Ch. 1 - New Students?

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Whoop whoop! Here is the rewritten chapter for this story :3 Remember, most things are the same, but now everything has a structured plot!

Enjoy! :D


Harry's POV

Harry watched as his best friends, Ron and Hermione, bickered with each other for what seemed like the dozenth time already. Merlin, it was the first day of school! He sighed in exasperation, pinching his nose between nimble fingers, before elbowing them both hard in the ribs. "Hush, guys. Dumbledore's starting his speech!" Harry scolded. "Sorry, mate!" Ron apologized, nodding at Hermione as she whipped her head towards the headmaster, embarrassed. Ron turned back towards the professors at the Head of the teachers' table. "Good evening, pupils of all ages!" Dumbledore began, immediately hushing the hall. "Before we dig in into that delightful trifle known as dinner, I have an...interesting announcement to make."

The quiet rustle of robes against wood filled the Hall as the students buzzed with excitement.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry whispered softly. "What do you think it's going to be? A new teacher?" Ron scoffed at Hermione's musings. "Are you mad? We're already going to be stuffed to the brim with homework and exams! What could we possibly need another teacher for?" The two started to argue again, but were silenced when they realized the entire school was staring at them. They reddened and turned away from each other once more. "Now," Dumbledore cleared his throat. "I am happy to inform you all, that for this year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, we have the pleasure of having three new groups of students transferring for the year!"

The entire Hall burst into chatter, already debating which houses the newcomers would be sorted into. Ron, Hermione, and Harry spoke quietly. "What do you think they'll be like?" Hermione asked excitedly. She had taken it upon herself as a yearly tradition to help any new students and first years adjust to Hogwarts, ever since her first year at Hogwarts. "Blimey," Ron exclaimed. "I reckon it's for the Triwizard Tournament this year!"

"What's the Triwizard Tournament?" Harry asked, but as Ron opened his mouth to answer Dumbledore, once again, cleared his throat, loudly. "Yes, yes, it is terribly exciting and all for you. Because of that, I will introduce you to them now." The massive doors of the Great Hall banged open on cue, revealing three large groups of people, led by Professor McGonagall.

The first group was headed by a boy with dark, wavy hair and sea-green eyes. At his side was an intimidating blonde girl, who had curious stormy grey eyes and a curious expression of wonder and glee on her face as she looked around at the high ceilings and floating candles of the Great Hall. As they walked up through the wide pathway up to the front of the Hall, Dumbledore announced: "The demigods of Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter, from America!" The students all burst into polite applause at the odd names, although everybody was wondering the same thing. What did Dumbledore mean by "demigods"? Harry noticed most of the boys in the Hall were staring at one girl with kaleidoscopic eyes and choppy brown hair, who was at the back of the group with—a dagger strapped to her waist?! What was Dumbledore thinking, letting them have weapons within the walls of Hogwarts? Harry was shocked, but, knowing Dumbledore was wise, quickly turned his attention to the next group.

"The mages of the guild, Fairy Tail, from Japan!" Dumbledore announced as a particularly rowdy group of students came up to the front, each member sporting a different hair color. The Hall burst into enthusiastic applause at the colorful display. "Blimey, mate, take a look at her." Ron whispered. Harry looked where Ron was pointing, and he shivered as he spotted a tall, red-headed girl who seemed to be wearing armor. Unlike all the other transfer students so far, she looked around at her surroundings calmly and a little sternly, as if challenging the candles to fall from the air and thwack her on the head.

"And last, but certainly not least, the Order of Guardians, from the North Pole!"

"THE NORTH POLE?!" Harry, Ron, and Hermione whipped their heads around to look at the shocked looking Weasley twins, who had shouted out in their confusion and surprise. The Hall roared with laughter at their overreaction, the Guardians especially. Dumbledore chuckled gently. Now everyone's attention was on the last, small group of interesting arrivals. Leading them was a white haired young boy, who walked with a tall wooden staff, and was barefoot for some utterly mad reason. Behind him were four other, much older looking odd people. One was extremely—well-fed, but the others were by far the strangest creatures Harry had ever seen! There was a lady who was covered entirely in shimmering, rainbow feathers, and whom bore a striking resemblance to a hummingbird. There was also a short, stout little man who appeared to be made entirely of golden sand! But the weirdest of all was a man who appeared to be a giant rabbit, who wore a belt of some sorts with gadgets attached to it.

Hermione gasped at the sight of the unusual group. "How—what are they?!" She whispered frantically to Ron. "I dunno, but I know that I sure don't want to mess with the kangaroo!" The red head gulped. Suddenly, Harry saw the giant rabbit-man jump over to their little group, landing in front of Ron, who gave a girly shriek. "I'm a bunny, mister!" He exclaimed hotly, before the white-haired boy dragged him back to the group. The Hall laughed again, Harry and Hermione chuckled at Ron, who was blushing madly, then turned back around to face Dumbledore. "Well, then, now that all the new students are here, let us give them a warm welcome by singing our school anthem!" The senior wizard announced cheerfully. The sound of the loud scrape of chairs filled the hall as the students stood up, eager to show off to the new arrivals. Over the heads of the sea of students, Harry could just make out the sight of Dumbledore drawing his wand before waving it, lengths of golden ribbon shooting out from the magical instrument to form the lyrics above the students' heads. "Pick a rhythm," Dumbledore said cheerfully. "And off we go!"

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please!

Whether we be old and bald,

Or young with scabby knees!

Our heads could do with filling,

With some interesting stuff!

For now they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies, and bits of fluff.

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we forgot!

Just do your best,

We'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot!

One by one the students all finished the song, ending with the Weasley twins doing their tradition of a slow funeral march. When they finished, the Hall erupted into applause, whooping and laughing. Harry laughed. He had always enjoyed that song... The new groups were all laughing and smiling, surprised at the silly nature of the song compared to the solemn black of their robes. "And now," Dumbledore spoke over the noise, his voice magically magnified a little. "We shall see which Houses our new pupils will be receiving for the year." The Hall cheered one last time before settling down, eager to see which transferred students would be sitting with them for dinner and the rest of the year.

"The Sorting Hat, if you will, Professor McGonagall..." Dumbledore said. The professor swept up to the stool in the center of the platform of the Hall and placed there the old, famous, patched up hat. The Hall fell entirely silent, as the Hat opened up its brim, and began to sing its opening song...

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