8. Dinner Party

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 I approached his room nervously. We had known each other for a few months, but whenever I went to see him I would get nervous. He excited me in a way that I hadn't been in a very long time. I nervously lifted a hand to knock on the door. It opened almost instantly, and James greeted me with a smile.

"Darling, you look ravishing." He reached for my hand and kissed it. I had on a floor length red dress, and had styled my hair in an undo, with soft curls hanging down around my face.

"Thank you James." I said, taking him in. "You look quite ravishing yourself." He had on a blue suit, and he did look very good.

James smiled and led me into the room. There was a large table set up with a white table cloth. In the middle of the table was what looked like a body, but it was covered in a white sheet. There was a small amount of movement, so whatever was under there was still alive and breathing.

"James, what is that?" I asked.

He turned his gaze to the table, the faced me, a devilish smile spreading across his lips. "Dinner." He purred. He walked over and pulled the sheet off the table revealing a man, bound to the table, wearing just his underwear.

I walked over and examined the man. "Are there drugs in his system keeping him under?" I asked. I hoped the answer was no, because that would mean I couldn't eat him. I didn't want to deal with consuming someone who was unclean.

"No, I am familiar with your lot and your selective diets. He just took a blow to the head earlier, and hasn't fully come to." He came up behind you. "I hope you're thirsty." He whispered.

"Who is he?" I asked. I liked knowing my kills made the world a bit of a better place. I couldn't feed knowing he was an innocent man.

"A bit of a ruffian. He came in demanding a room, gave Liz a bit of a difficult time. I was in the lobby because I've been keeping an eye out for a perfect candidate for tonight. Poor Liz was terrified and crying, the man was browning very angry and aggressive. I decided to take matters into my own hands and I took care of him. I brought him here, and invited you to dinner."

I nodded, showing I approved. "Where shall we begin?"

James picked up a knife from the table. "Lets see if we can wake him, shall we?"

I stood back slightly, waiting to watch James go to work. He made an incision on the mans ankle, rather deep. My throat burned as the metallic smell of blood reached my nose. I needed it. My breathing became heavy.

"Patience my dear, I think our guest wants to join us." I shifted my focus to the mans face, his eyelids fluttered. I heard a soft moan.

"Do it again James." I said, aching seeing the blood flow from the man. I wanted to see more, and I wanted to consume it.

James obliged, and made an incision on the thigh of the same leg, slightly deeper this time. The man let out a quiet scream. I watched the blood flow from the fresh wound.

"James, please." I begged, needing that crimson gold.

"A moment more. Trust me." He walked closer to the mans face. "I do hope you're comfortable sir." James said. He worked his knife into the skin on the mans arm, twisting the blade. The man screamed louder this time.

"Very good." James looked at the knife for a moment, then at me. "Now darling, I will need your help with this one."

I made my way to his side, ready to oblige. He plunged the knife into the man's stomach, and twisted the blade greedily. He stabbed again, and again, and again.

"Now my dear, you may feast." He said, stepping back.

I took every drop I could find from the wounds on his stomach. It was good, drug free as James had promised. I felt the body convulse, and I knew James had made a new wound, I found it and began to drink it in. I heard James laugh, and I felt his gaze on me. I got everything I could, getting anything from the old wounds. When I finished I was covered with blood. I looked up at James sheepishly, comforted by the slight of blood on his shirt. A moment passed and he grabbed my face and kissed me, not bothered at all by the blood that covered my lips and my face. I took him in. He pushed me against the wall. I grabbed his short, dark hair. I tried to wrap myself around him, but the dress I wore restricted my movement. I pushed him away and tore at the dress until it was on the ground. I wasted no time and pulled James back into me. Finally free I wrapped both my legs around his waist. He put his arms around me and we were moving. He dropped me on a bed, and began to remove his clothes. I sat up and began to help him, taking off whatever I could grab. He was back on me in moments. As we continued to kiss, I felt his fingers push past my underwear and inside of me. I gasped, then moaned. His kisses began to move down my body as he worked inside of me. I was getting so close, I cried out when he removed his fingers. I was happy when I felt his tongue on my clitoris, working in small circles. Why had he stopped, I was on fire and I needed to burn. He was on top of me in an instant, and he entered me. I groaned in pleasure, and so did he.

"Oh James." I cried. I had forgotten how this all felt. I forgot how much my body needed it.

He continued to moan, then I felt him release. In the next moment I released. He removed himself from me and dropped next to me on the bed. "Excellent work my darling." He huffed.

"You as well." I said, snuggling into him.

"I hope to do this again soon." He whispered in your ear.

"As do I." I whispered back.

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