33. Sins of the Father

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I was now driving down the highway with none other than Ramona. I decided to ask her to accompany me per James' suggestion once I called the prison and set up a visit with my father. Ramona luckily offered her car and her company when I told her of my plans. We were getting very close to the prison and my scheduled visit was also getting closer. To say it plainly I was nervous. What was I nervous about? Disappointing him? I had actually ended up making a life for myself with no help from him. Ramona drove the last part of the way. I was smoking a cigarette trying to calm myself down, but it wasn't helping much. Ramona, sensing my unrest, broke the silence.

"What is the worst that could happen Diana? This man abandoned you, he has no room to judge you. He is doing this to ease his own guilt before he dies. It will be over before you know it. This could end up being really good." Ramona said.

"I've had nothing from this man since I was 7, and even before he left us it was nothing but disappointment. The mob always mattered more. He called himself a fucking business man." I took a last puff of my cigarette.

"Look honey you just calm down and take it one step at a time. As soon as you're ready to leave I'll be out here waiting for you."

We were starting towards the prison, having gotten of the interstate a few minutes ago. Before I knew it Ramona was dropping me off at the main entrance. I had somehow been able to convince the DMV to renew my license after so many years, and not question why I still looked so young. Luckily the ages between 20 and 30 are a safe place, especially for women, where you can get away with looking more youthful. I entered the prison and went through security and showed my ID, for which I was awarded a sticker that read "visitor." Once I got the all clear I met a woman in a black skirt suit set. She had a friendly look for working in a prison.

"Diana?" The woman asked.

"Yes." I answered simply.

The woman looked me up and down. I had tried to dress conservatively for this trip, but I'm sure my black pants and jacket and black long sleeved shirt made me appear more like I was dressed for a funeral but I had tried to cover as much skin as possible for the trip.

"Well, my name is Jane. I will be accompanying you to visit your father. He is being kept in our medical area for his remaining time with us. Of course your visit will be monitored but I will leave you alone in the room with your father if that is what you wish."

"Okay." I replied.

"Follow me." Jane said, turning and heading down the hall. We had to go through a few locked gates on the way but we finally reached the medical area and arrived at a locked door. Jane pulled a key out of her pocket and undid the lock. "Why don't I go in ahead?" She suggested. "Make sure everything with Mr. Rostakov is alright before your visit."

I nodded and took a step back, letting her enter the room. With the door shut I could only hear mumbles, but very soon Jane returned and waved me into the room. "Come on in Diana."

I took a deep breath and entered the room. It looked like any other hospital room, grey and clinical. No windows, just some unforgiving florescent lighting. I was afraid to look anywhere but at Jane. There was a steady buzz and beeping of monitors. Finally I turned my head to what I had been dreading most.

I hadn't seen my father in nearly twenty three years, but I had kept a single photo of him, and that photo looked nothing like the figure in the bed before me. He was still a large framed man, but his skin clung tightly to him. He had hollow cheeks and dull grey eyes. His once dark hair was now grey, with a few dark streaks left. I assumed that his disease had done more aging on him than time had. The strong man I remembered was now clinging to life breathing with the help of an oxygen tank. To make matters worse, the frail man before her was handcuffed to the bed on one wrist.

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