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It means a lot to me that you guys read my fanfictions.

Enjoy another!


"There you are!" I shouted, as I dramatically whipped out my miniature glass telescope from my supernatural hunting backpack, and looked up into the sky. "I've got you now, you incredible life-forms." This was it. This was the moment I have been waiting for since I could walk without falling and injuring my two year old body.

I have discovered real aliens. This had to be.

"Sara." My mother sighed, completely ruining my quiet, concentrating atmosphere.

"Hmm?" I wouldn't dare let my mother stop me from keeping my eyes off the shining 'star' in the distance, of course, I new that wasn't a star at all, that was a alien spaceship disguised as a bright ball of hydrogen and helium. 

Nothing can fool me.

"How many times do I have to tell you?-"

"I know, I know." I said as I winced my eyes to get a clear vision of what I could see through the telescope. "I can't keep stopping, or we'll never make it on time, but mom, we could be witnessing a piece of history, here!"

"You've stopped twelve times already in the last three hours, and you've said the same thing each time."

"But I've got a good feeling about this one."

"So I've heard."

My mother doesn't believe in the supernatural, or aliens. Which, I could never understand. Obviously this stuff exists or there wouldn't be movies and television shows about them. They just want you to think they are imaginary. I'm not going to be convinced by our government funded entertainment AKA brainwash.

"What are you staring at now?" My father, breathing quite heavily from the current hill we were walking up. 

Hiking, do it every year at this time. We hike for seventeen miles, to a cabin that belonged to my grandpa before he died and gave it to me. He was also a firm believer in aliens, and gave me the cabin for supernatural hunting.

I miss him a lot, compared to him, I'm just an amateur hunter, he was a real pro in UFO sightings.

Not taking my eye off the 'star', I pointed to it. My father stared up at it, and after a moment of silence, it was almost as if I could feel the disappointment he felt of me,  radiating off his body.

"Sara." He said slowly.

"Yeah, dad?"

"That's the North Star you stupid kid."



That made a lot of sense.

I slowly lowered the telescope, and turned over to look at him, even in the dark, I could see the annoyed look on his face. Him and my mother both. I gave them my usual wimpy smile that I gave them every time I did something stupid like that.

They both shook their heads, and began walking up the trail once more. 

Alright! Time to search some more. I ran past my parents and further up the hill, until they couldn't be seen. It was then, I began to search the sky, and Earth for something peculiar.

No such luck.

The cabin soon came into view, and my heart began to quicken at the thought of my grandpa's old notebooks of everything he witness, or almost witnessed.

I rushed to the front door of the tiny building, and unlocked the door with my spare key. 

Walking in, I flipped on the electric lantern, and lit a few candles that sat on a wood table near the entrance. Once the whole place was lit up, I made my way over to the ladder, and began to climb up to the small space of a top floor.

Taking the lantern with me, I hoisted myself up onto the top, only to be greeted by a large human figure lying right in front of me. I  screamed as I realize it was a man. A who seemed to be passed out cold.

My parents ran into the cabin, asking me over and over what was wrong. I told them about the man, and they told me to take a knife and stand outside the cabin, until they could figure out who he was, and if he was dangerous.

I did not obey.

I quickly took out my own hunting knife -supernatural hunting knife- out of my backpack, and stood there, with it in front of me as if I really had the guts to stab a human being.

I probably looked cool, though.

My parents carried the man down onto the old 'couch' which was really a wooden bench with cushions on the bottom floor of the cabin.

I stared at the man, who had dark hair, and a strange pale figure.

There had to be reason this guy is passed out in my cabin.

A thought struck me. What if he encountered a supernatural being? What if they zapped him into a miniature coma and lead him like a zombie to pass out in my very own monster-hunting cabin this deep into the woods? Obviously they were warning me. This man is a message from the monsters of the earth! They fear me, that has to be it.

The story this man is going to tell will be very interesting.

The Alien Has Issues | Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now