Chapter Two

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Thanks for reading, you guys. You have no idea how grateful I am. <3

Chapter Two

Six in the morning, I'm home, whilst my parents are asleep, and have been asleep for about an hour. Sadly, I could not spend the night like a true hunter, sleeping away in my supernatural fighting cabin, and typically, I'd be more than just depressed about that.

But not today. I had a mission to accomplish.

Flinging my essential supernatural fighting backpack onto my shoulders, I put on my black sneakers (that had built in flashlights by yours truly) on them. It was a complicated procedure, building these shoes, they were one of a kind. Special. After gazing at myself in the mirror, I secretly left the house, on my way to the hospital.

I'm going to meet this stranger, and get the information that I need, whether I die in the process.

Well, not die, but close to it.

Flipping on my sneaker flashlights, I made my way to the hospital.

To be clearly honest, it was absolutely terrifying walking in the pitch dark, (which, once again, was another reason why I was so proud of my homemade sneaker flashlights) I was too determined to let my fear get in the way this time.

My grandpa always said, never let your fear decide your fate. My fate, as of now, was heading towards becoming the first person to discover a supernatural occurrence, and assure them with absolute evidence. Which, obviously, I could not allow me fear to destroy that.

It was basically my destiny.

The hospital came into view, and I swiftly ran inside. This was the easy part.

But I don't even know the guy's name.

There was a woman at the registration desk. I skipped over to her, giving her my innocent (but secretly super devious) smile. "Good morning." I stated. 

She frowned, "Good morning-um, honey, are you here alone?"

Curse my Korean ancestors for making me look ten years under my age!

"I'm seventeen, thank you. I'm perfectly capable of going to places on my own, it's not like I need my parents permission to leave the house" -Which I did- "I should have my driver's license by now, actually, but I don't because I'm too short to reach the pedals without pulling the seat to far up which apparently, to my dad is dangerous. I never understood that, though, I mean, I might be four foot ten and three quarters, but you'd think the government would make sure short people have easy access to things as normal as car driving. Don't they know that short people are all over the world, and my legs are way to short to be walking many places? It took me almost an hour to walk a mile from my house to this hospital, and I was speed walking."

The woman stared at me as if I had grown a second head. I didn't understand why, I mean, I know it's early, but you'd think a hospital would hire nice people. 

I sighed, "Okay." I put both my hands on the desk, "I'm looking for a guy."

She raised her eyebrows, obviously needing more information. I didn't really have any.

"He was brought here a few hours ago, he was found passed out in a cabin down in the woods? I think they said he was here for drug testing, or something like that anyway." Please let him still be here.

She sat there in silence for a moment, before speaking up, "Uhh. . . one moment, I'll call." She dialed a number on the phone, and began to ask questions. She had asked me what his name was, and I told her I wasn't sure.

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