Chapter One

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Dedicated to the new Panic at the disco album coming out jan 15 ayy

Chapter One

"Sara, get away from the man!" My mother shouted, and she gripped my shoulders, and pulled me away from where I was standing (which was approximately eleven inches from where he was laying). This man was a mystery beyond anything I've ever encountered. How could I stay away?

I mean, yeah, he was a complete stranger, and it was terrifying to see him, I'm pretty sure my life had flashed before my eyes in just a couple of seconds, but other than that; I couldn't just walk away.

My dad was phoning the police, which was annoying because we had made it a family rule never to use phones or gadgets whilst out here in the cabin. I knew it was necessary, though. The man could be severely hurt.

 I slowly sank to my knees on the floor, and eyes the man whose eyes were so delicately shut, and lips that actually were kind of big, not to lie.

I began to question him in my head, mentally asking him what his name was, where he was from, and how the aliens got to him. None of my answers really sufficed my curiosity since, well, they were my own answers.

My mother began to ask my father what we should do, or if we should just go home. My father agreed that it probably wasn't safe to stay here for the night like we had planned, which made me feel completely depressed.

I had been looking forward to coming out here all month.

I sighed, and watched as my father walked over to the man, and check if he was still breathing. A medical professional was talking him through, step by step, to make sure the man was not dying.

After ten minutes of him basically slapping the unconscious man about, my mother finally had enough, and told him to quit, and hang up the phone.

I began to take notes in my journal as to what was happening, and my theories on what could happen.

"December, 31st, 2015.

 It has been half an hour since I had found the unconscious stranger in my cabin.  He has yet to wake up, and reveal any supernatural information. Will be prepared to protect family if he somehow becomes feral."

'Feral'. I love that word. 

I was suddenly interrupted without any warning; "He's waking up, oh my god, Dave, he's waking up!" My mom began shouting my fathers name, indicating that we were suddenly fifty percent less safe than we were ten seconds ago.

My heart had began to race, as my father ran over to the man, and began shouting unnecessary comment about what would happen if the stranger tried anything funny to me or my mother.

The man looked incredibly surprised about what was happening right now. Clutching his head, he slowly sat up, eyeing my father the whole time. Then he looked at my mother, then at me.

I gulped, as we held eye-contact for what seemed like forever -which was really around five seconds- before he looked away, back to my father.

He looked dazed, as if he still was a bit out of it. Of course, that didn't stop my father from questioning him over and over. You see, my father has had some previous military service when he was younger, meaning, he could be really scary if needed to be.

Right now, his survival instincts were kicking in, and it was scary.

"Who are you?" My father questioned, "Tell me your name."

The man suddenly tensed up, as if something was wrong, and before anyone could react, he was throwing up on the side of the bench where he had been sitting.

He just threw up, and got his human stomach acid all over my cabin floor. Disgusting.


"Mary, you and Sara go outside." My father said beckoning us to leave. Though I denied, my mother took me by the arm, and basically pulled me out. Which was unfair, but I didn't say anything else.

He was definitely overreacting, here. 

"What is so dangerous about that man?" I asked my mother, as we both stood a few feet from the cabin.

"He's a stranger, living in a already owned cabin thirteen miles from the nearest road. What do you think?" Clearly she was in a sour mood.

It's not like it was my fault.

I stood, absolutely quiet, hoping, somehow, that I could hear the conversation going on inside the cabin. Though, sadly, I didn't have super-hearing, so I could not.

Eventually, some police showed up, it took them over an hour to arrive, considering how far deep in the woods we were. There was also a trained medic along with them. They had asked if me and my mother were alright, and we both nodded. I asked them if they were going to arrest the man, but they couldn't give me an answer.

The went inside the cabin, and after a few moments, came out with the man, though, not in handcuffs.

"Daddy?" I ran over to my dad, who wrapped his arm around me, and again, asked me if I was okay. 

"I'm fine." I sighed, "What about the man, are you going to press charges?"

He shook his head, "Though that would be the smart thing to do, I do believe it was an honest mistake."

The man looked as if he were to pass out any minute. The medic clearly took notice of that, and began questioning him non-stop. "What happen to you, did you take any sort of drug?"

The man shrugged, "Drugged would be a good way to put it."

"What happened?"

"I don't remember."

"So you're saying you don't know how you got into that cabin?"

"Listen." The guy was clearly getting annoyed, "One minute, I'm home, the next, I'm woken up to the sound of a pre-military asshole with a very annoying personality-" He had lean his head back in exhaustion,  "can I go home now?"

"That's not likely, we need to test your blood, and see what exactly you consumed."

The man groaned in frustration, but didn't argue. Before I knew it, they were escorting him down the path, towards the road, thirteen miles away.

My only chance at finding alien life, was abandoning me. I had to follow.

I had to get to the hospital.

I had to leave, now.

"Mom." I said, dramatically faking a nervous tone, "I want to go home." 

The Alien Has Issues | Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now