Chapter 2

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I guess Tre and I fell asleep last night during Animal House because I woke up still in his arms. 

I tried not to move because I was enjoying the moment. His face looked angelic in the morning light emitting from the glass paneled french doors in the room. Tre's hair had lost its spikiness during the night and was now a mop of brown atop his head. His lips were a natural bright pink and slightly parted as he slept.

The urge to kiss him was almost unbearable. I was laying directly on top of him, so our faces were close together. Our bodies were pressed flesh against each other and it was all I could do to keep myself under control. 

His eyelids suddenly fluttered open and our eyes instantly came in contact.

"Good morning." I whispered.

He grinned and stretched out under me.

"Sorry, I'll move off of you." I hurriedly said after realizing I'm probably crushing him.

His arms quickly wrapped around me as he shook his head from side to side.

"No, you feel so good on top of me."

I don't think he realized he had said that out loud. And his mind was still foggy from sleep, so it took him a minute to see what he had done.

Both of our faces turned a deep red as we stared into each other's eyes. Neither of us knew what to say. But after a few more seconds, he whispered my name, 

"Billie Joe..."


My lips came crashing down onto his. The kiss started out slow and soft. We were both unsure about what was happening, but as time passed our lips met more and more fervently. 

He tasted like fruity pebbles and coffee, and I couldn't get enough of it. His hands were knotted through my hair, pulling my face even closer. Our lips connected and reconnected, each time more and more entangled. I felt his tongue sweep across my lips, asking for entrance. I obliged and opened my mouth.

I couldn't help but moan into the kiss. And when I did that, I felt him harden just the slightest bit underneath me.

Our mouths disconnected but our foreheads remain pressed against one another. The room was quiet besides the sound of the heavy breathing coming from both of us. Our bodies were pressed together, and I could feel myself harden against him as well.

"See? I told you that you feel so good on top of me." he chuckled.

I blushed and rose up a little to where I was looming over him. The movement caused our lower halves to grind against each other. We both moaned at the sudden contact.

"Billie... I've wanted to do that since our first show at Gilman."

"Me too."

That moment was perfect. We were in each others arms declaring our love for one another. 

"Let's make breakfast!" True exclaimed.

I sat up and moved off of him as he rolled off the couch.

"C'mon!" he yelled as he grabbed my wrist to pull me along.

My reflexes got the better of me as I sharply drew back my arm and let out an involuntarily 'ouch'.

I bent over and grabbed my throbbing wrist as a way to ease the pain.

"Billie, I'm sorry! What'd you do to your arm?"

I tried to play it cool. "Nothing, don't worry about it." I added a weak smile for emphasis as well.

"Here, let me look at it." Tre said as he walked closer to me. 

I started panicking and furiously shaking my head no. He gave me a funny expression and rose one eyebrow up.

"C'mon Bil, just let me look at it. You're acting like I'm Michael Myers on Halloween!" He started laughing at his own joke and reached out to grab my sleeve.

You know how when your mind senses itself in a situation of panic, and it goes into survival mode? Well, that happened to me. There's no way in hell I'll allow Tre to see my cuts. He'd realize how much of a fuck up I am and leave me. I just can't go through that emotional pain.

So I took off running. Well, I started to, but he seemed to have read my mind and quickly caught me.

"Okay, Billie. You're really starting to make me worry."

He had me pinned beneath him on the ground. I struggled against him but it was no use. He yanked up the hem of my baggy black sweatshirt and it went right over my head. My arms were now exposed to him. He saw everything.

"B-Billie... You cut yourself?"

He stood up and covered his mouth with his hand. His eyes got watery as he awaited my answer.

I stood up and answered, "Yes. I cut myself. I understand if you want to leave now."

My head hung low and I had the most ashamed look on my face. I didn't even want to look up. I didn't want to see him leave. 

"Billie Joe, I'll never leave you. Especially not at a time like this when you need me the most. I just... I just can't believe... How long have you been doing this to yourself?"

"A couple months."

We both started crying at that point. He once again pulled me into his arms and shushed me soothingly.

"Let me see."

I extended out my arms. I had never realized how bad it was. I don't think there was an inch of clear skin on my forearms. Everything was a mess of red cuts. 

He swept his fingers over them and asked me if he was hurting me. I shook my head no. Then he asked me if my arms were the only places I cut. I once again shook my head no. 

He pulled off my shirt, leaving me naked from the waist up. There were small cuts scattered along my waistline. We both stood up as I took off my pants too. I was wearing briefs, which left the majority of my thighs bare. There were also cuts on that portion of my skin. 

Tre grabbed my hand and tugged me over to the couch. He sat down first, and then pulled me into him.

"I love you so much, Billie Joe Armstrong. Never forget that."

"I won't."

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