Starts with a B ends with a eginning.

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So you may notice that the attitude of my character somewhat changes throughout the book. That's because I'm human and I have different emotions and moods while writing this.

The plane hit the west side of the building, where all the graduates were. Good riddance, those guys were soulless jerks. Well actually everyone in that dammed school was a soulless jerk, including myself, but you know who cares about that?

It was chaos to say the least. Perfect. Blood, gore, screaming, crying... it was the perfect chance. I could finally go find my dream. Did I take any of the young, innocent kids being introduced to the hell hole of a school? No I did not. Does that make me an unfeeling bitch? Maybe. They would slow me down. I did eventually take in a cat though. Not yet.

I ran. I don't know how long I stayed in the forest surrounding. Ok that's a lie, it was 23 days and 7 hours. Perfect memory remember? But it felt like they just blended into each other. It wasn't that hard, surviving. I had my backpack, knife, and provisions all in one happy little package. That and my three years of survival training.

The woods were gorgeous. The trees were so tall, the light was so beautiful, and I felt so free. For the first time I could choose where to go, choose what to do, not just mindlessly follow orders. But as free as I was, I wanted more. I wanted to fly, to see what the world was like from above. That was my only goal, my only dream.

I followed a river. According to my brief geography lessons (we weren't allowed to learn much about the outside world) many of the old settlements were based around rivers because of the rich surroundings, fresh water, and fish. Fish and crackers was what I lived on for those 23 days. Occasionally I would find a edible plant, but I wasn't much of a greens person. Defiantly not a vegetarian.

Then I found it. The city. And it was nothing like I expected.

In my book they always described the cities and towns as bustling and lively, full of lights and sounds. The city couldn't be more different. Many buildings were destroyed, probably bombs of some sort. It was unnaturally silent, and honestly rather ominous.  But not abandoned. It would take a trained eye to see it, but there were little things out of place. Recent footprints, places where dust had not quite settled, and the occasional faint echo. Just little things, but the little things were often the most important.

I never actually explained my appearance to you. I had dark, almost red, hair. Natural, but rare. It was long and I liked it that way. No particular reason, just because. My eyes were a dark, dark, blue. Sometimes mistaken for black. Other than my hair though, I'd say I was about average. Average height, average body shape, average everything. And that was how I liked it. No one notices average, and that keeps me safe.

I decided the first thing I had to do was find information. I knew practically nothing about this world or the people. All of my information was based off a fictional book that was probably way outdated. All I knew for certain was that there must had been a war, and that was why my school got destroyed. So, naturally, I went to find a library.

The library was nothing like I had expected. Keep in mind that the only library I had ever seen was the one at my school and that information was strictly censored. So seeing all the fiction, all the biography's, all the rebellious plots, blew my mind. The library was virtually untouched. There was no money in the cashiers but that was about it. No one thinks of raiding a library in the middle of a bomb raid. They should've though, information is the most dangerous weapon of all. The library was huge. Books lined every wall, every corner, every crevice. It was actually pretty average sized, but not to me.

This is where I quite literally lost track of time. I had finally found my escape. All the memories, all the nightmares, all the chaos swirling inside my head seemed to get lost in the books. I learned so much. I learned about how a childhood is supposed to be like. I learned what cities used to be like. I learned about how people act when they were angry, confused, or in love. Love. That word had never even crossed my mind. Did my parents love each other? Probably not. Oh well, love seemed rather useless to me. Downright destructive. All the pain it caused, all the broken hearts, I'd rather be an unfeeling bitch. This, by the way, was when I learned how cold I seemed. All the hero's and heroines in the books where kind and brave, never backing down, never leaving the innocent to die. But this wasn't a book, it was reality. I couldn't afford to save everyone, I didn't have the power. And I didn't have the time to feel sorry about it.

Fiction wasn't the only thing I read. I learned geography, time, and all sorts of things. Human psychology was one if the courses at school, but we never learned how to help others with it. We never learned how to be "caring" or "kind". Only professional. I still thought emotions were a waste of time, and frankly, they were. All emotions had a bad side. Kindness can lead to naivety, rage can lead to recklessness, and love can lead to obsession. Being logical, cold and calculating gives you the best chance of survival. I was still human though, I could still feel on some level, I just chose not to.

That time in the library was probably the best time of my life. I barely ate, barley slept, trying to process all the knowledge I had gathered. It was incredible. I learned how to hunt, to set traps, to feign emotion, and more. Is it bad I learned more from the villains than the heroes? It doesn't matter. The only time I stopped reading was when I went to find food or water or slept. I would also hear the occasional gunshot or scream, but I kept my tracks hidden so I was safe. Almost no one would care about a library in this war ridden world. I suppose that was my mistake, I got too comfortable. What an awful, immature mistake to make. (haha that rhymed) It was almost the end for me.

Ok so I don't actually remember what age I made her, so lets just say she's around 17 ok? She looks older though. Also I made a longer chapter!! Yay!! Remember, comments get cookies, votes get cake, and people who follow get the entire freaking bakery. See ya later kittens!!

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