Soulmates (Septicplier)

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Background: Mark and Jack meet PAX. But, in this universe, you do not see color until you meet your soulmate. Mark sees his dull world, and hopes that Jack does the same until they meet for the first time in person.

Disclaimer. I did not come up with the idea for this story, I read it in another fanfic. I am forgetting what it is called but its a Markiplier x Reader oneshot.

572 Words


Mark looks outside his black Chevy Sonic to see many planes landing and taking off, against the pale grey sky. He seems to grow impatient with himself and gets out of the car.

Jack is supposed to land today and Mark is picking him up from the airport. Little did Jack know that Mark has had a crush on the said Irishman ever since he first saw his channel. He was literally shaking with anticipation, waiting to meet him, and hope to see color for the first time.

Ever since be was a baby, Mark has been waiting for his soulmate to appear to him. Sure he's dated, but he knew that it would never last, so he never understood why he did. He always just had flings, that never led to any happiness.

He was starting to lose hope on whether or not he had a soulmate, until he saw Jack's channel on YouTube. He saw a person that could make him laugh when no one else could, a person that he thought was attractive. So he contacted him, wanting to know if he would want to play games with him. Jack was so happy and loud that words cannot describe it.

So here they were, two years later, about to meet for the first time ever, and Mark was so excited that he couldn't control his excitement. He checked his phone three times a minute, waiting for the text to say he's about to land.

Finally, there was the long awaited text, saying that he was about to arrive. The text said "We land in 10 minutes." Mark, hoping to impress the loudmouth, walked into the bathroom to fix his appearance. Mark, with his so called black and "blue" (for he saw grey) hair, attempted to fix it, swooping it over to the side. He quickly washed his face, drying it off with the pale grey paper, then looking up into his dark grey eyes. Mark slowly thought to himself, 'I hope this is the one.' He fixed his shirt, and finally walked out of the bathroom. He went to gate 21 and waited for the Irishman to appear. After waiting for about 2 minutes, Jack walked out, looking for Mark.

"Jack! JACK!" Mark called out. Jack looked over at Mark. Mark made eye contact with Jack's blue ones. 'Wait blue eyes?' Mark wondered.

Mark looked down and he say the red and black flannel he was wearing at the time. He looked at everyone around him and he say colors that he has never seen before.

When he looked back up at Jack, we saw him doing the same thing. Then, blue eyes looking into what he now knew was his own brown eyes. All at once, everything slowed down.

Jack dropped his stuff, making it clang. Mark started walking toward him, soon started jogging, and then full out running. Jack did the exact same, meeting in the middle with a hug.

"Fookin' hell, Mark. It's you. My soulmate is my best friend!" Jack exclaims. Mark just hugs him tighter.

"I've been waiting for this moment. I hoped it would be you!" Mark whispers. Jack pulls away and looks at him. Both eyes now able to see the others.

"Me too." Jack whispers. They both lean in. They meet in the middle, lips touching.

And then...








Mark wakes up, with tears streaming down his face, unable to see color.

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