Pre- Internationals Party

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Riley's POV (Most of the book is going to be her POV)

Today we're having a party because of our win at nationals, we've got the trophy in Miss Kate's office. A, B and J-troupe are coming which is going to be so fun! James is picking me up at 6:45 which is in 5  minutes. I decided to wear a short tight red dress with silver heels, the necklace James gave me for my birthday and a pair of earrings. I curled my hair and did my make up.

"Riley, James is here!" My mom called. I grabbed my purse and put my phone and lip gloss in it and walked downstairs to see James waiting.

"I hope you guys have a good time." Mom said

"We will, bye." I said

"Have a good evening Mrs Raymond." James said as we walked out the door.

"You look so sexy." James said as his hands travelled to my bum to sqeeze it.

"And you look so handsome." I said as i sealed our lips together.

"Do you think we'll have time for a makeout in the costume closet?" He asked

"Of course!" I said as i kissed his neck. We got into his car and drove to the studio. When we arrived a lot of people were already there.

"They won't miss us." James says as he pulls me into the costume closet and we start our steamy make out. 

Kate's POV

It's now 7:30 and James and Riley still haven't arrived, I walked up to Emily hoping she might know.

"Hey Em, do you know where Jiley are?" I asked

"Um, aren't they here?"


"Oh, James picked Riley up at 6:45." She says as we hear James and Riley walk in giggling. Riley's dress is really short and you can see her cleavage whilst James is in a tux. Riley's lipstick is smeared and her hair is a bit messed up, James has his arm protectively around her waist, they are truly the cutest couple ever.

Riley's POV

We walk into studio A and everyone is staring at us.

"Where have you guys been?" Kate asks us

"I bet they were in the costume closet again." Hunter says and everyone laughs.

"Whatever" I said

"Lets play truth or dare." Hunter says.

"Ok!" I said smirking

"Truth or dare Hunter?" I asked

"Truth." He said

"Whats your biggest secret?" I asked

"Em and I are dating." He answered.

"Eldon, truth or dare?" Hunter asked

"Dare." He said confidently

"I dare you to go out on the street and the first person you see, you have to ask them out."

"No, I have a girlfriend!" He says

"Who?" West asks

"Michelle." Eldon answers and West wolf whistles.

"Fine, your forfeit is to put on Michelle's lipstick and wear it the whole night." Hunter says

"Ok." He answers as Michelle hands him her lipstick and he puts it on.

"Giselle, truth or dare?"


"Eat a mouthful of crackers and then try and whistle." She puts them in her mouth then stands a bit in front of Eldon and tries to whistle and they go all over him, it was hilarious.

"There!" She says

"Great..." He says

"James truth or dare?" Giselle asks

"Truth." He says. Oh no, this can't be good.

"Have you and Riley done it?"

"Um...." He says

"Maybe we should play a different game?" He says

"Ew, you guys have totally done it, that's gross!" Hunter shouts.

"Well, you asked!" James said

"Whatever." Giselle said

"Well, we've got things to do, come on Ri." James said as he grabbed my hand and we went back to the costume closet and had another make out.

"I can't believe everyone found out." I said

"Sorry babe."

"No, don't worry it's fine, I wouldn't know what to say if it was me." I said

"Shall we go back and dance." He asked


"My parents and sister are away for the next few days." He winked at me.

"Lets get back to the party!" I said

Authors Note

Sorry that was so short, this was sorta a filler chapter. I'm so sorry I haven't updated for so long, I now in my last chapter I said I would update before the new year and now its two months after. I'll try and update again tonight.

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