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James POV- May 10th

Riley's 1 week overdue and she's so uncomfortable!

"James!" She shouted

"Yes babe?" I asked rushing over

"Can you cook me some chips with peanut butter?"

"Ok, whatever you want love." I said and leaned down to kiss me.

"Go away, you did this to me!" She exclaimed pushing me away, I sighs and makes her the food. After a while I come back.

"Thanks!" she said kissing me. Riley's been having big mood swings recently. Once minute she's yelling at me and the next she just wants to kiss me. I'll me so happy when the baby's born, she's been getting braxton hicks lately so she hasn't been able to go to sleep.

"Jamessss" Riley moans as I kiss her neck.

"You seem happier babe." I said as I stopped kissing her.

"Yeah, can you watch mean girls with me?" She asks

"Really? Another chick flick" I said, she instantly started kissing me

"Please?" She said touching my cheek and kissing me again.

"Ok." I said as she pulled away. I got up and put the movie on and then made us some popcorn. Recently Riley has been wanting to watch chic flicks with me and she ALWAYS starts crying which is what she's doing right now. I wipe her tears and once the film has ended I turn it off.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked

"Can we go shopping?" She asked

"Yeah, of course, do you want to get changed?" I asked

"Ok" I helped her up and then went to our bedroom

"I don't know what to wear." She said

"How about a dress?" I ask and she looks horrified

"I can't wear I dress! I'm way to fat James!" She exclaims

"Ok sorry! But we've been over this you're not fat, you're pregnant." I said

"Whatever!" She mumbles.


We arrive at the shops and Riley is picking where she wants to go first.

"Can we go to forever 21?"

"Of course babe" I answer, we walk over there and there are reporters taking photos.

"Riley, James? How do you feel that you're a week over due?"

"Riley, James over here?"

"Jiley, we want the details!"

"Ugh!" Riley says leaning into me.

"I'll make them go away love." I said and kissed her cheek.

"We'd rather not talk about it, please leave my fiancé and me alone." James says and we go into the shop.

"Ok, so I need a nightie for when the baby arrives and a bra."

"Ok, do you want to look for your nightie first?" I asked

"Alright." She replied walking towards them, after a while she picked out all her clothes and we left the shop.

"Where do you want to go next?" I asked

"Um, can we go to the baby store?...." Ri asked

"Yeah, haven't we got enough baby stuff though?" I asked

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