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Later that night, and as promised by Meg, the bonfire occurred.

After the Gladesses made their cheers, Merida came loping back to where Rapunzel was. "Greenie, don't just be a bum on a log." She sat down beside Rapunzel. "This is a celebration! You are the guest of honor!"

Rapunzel replied bluntly, "There's nothing to celebrate about."

Merida sighed and looked away in thought. "Look, I know what you're feeling right now. We've all had First Day, coming out of that dark box. But let me tell ya, things are going to get better."

"And when would that be?" Rapunzel looked at her hopefully.

"Well . . . you met the Runners?"

Rapunzel nodded.

"Every single day they run"--she jabbed a finger at the walls--"what's in there. Mapping it. Memorizing. Though it ain't easier said than done; the walls change every night. New Maze everyday. Yet, when the time comes that a solution is found, our freedom is granted. Till then, we just hope for the best."

"So you're telling me we're living on hope?"

Merida nodded silently. "If that's what it sounds like to ya. Hope for freedom."

"And there is a solution?"

"I mean, I've been here for two bloody years, and I thought we'd find the solution a long while ago. We just gotta find it, somewhere, somehow."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa -- you've been here for two years? And you haven't found a way out?"

"Sadly no. Not yet."

Rapunzel held her head in her hands. "Well aren't we in some tangled situation."

Merida patted Rapunzel's back. "Don't get your mind twisted up already, shank. Enjoy the night! Come on." Merida rose Rapunzel to her feet and dragged her along. Rapunzel had to collect her hair in a bundle in order to swiftly pass through the commotion and partying Gladesses.

"Hey look, it's the Greenie!" called a taunting voice.

Rapunzel zipped around. Of course it was Meg. But this time she was standing in the middle of a forming circle of Gladesses.

Rapunzel glanced at Merida for help, but Merida was slowly backing away into the crowd. Soon it was just Rapunzel and Meg in the center.

Meg folded her arms and eyed Rapunzel's bundle of hair. "Ever heard of a hair cut, Greenbean?"

Rapunzel gulped. "Shut up, Meg."

"Hmm, I'm taking that as a no. Well then, let me do it for ya!" Suddenly Meg had a pocketknife in her hand, and she charged right towards Rapunzel.

Rapunzel hurriedly backed up, and when Meg got dangerously close, Rapunzel fell backward into the Gladesses behind her and yelped. The girls were giggling.

Meg had a sly smile spread on her face and handed her pocketknife over to one of her friends. "Aw, I was only kidding! You know, Greenbean, you gotta know when to take a joke." She swiveled around and earned some giggles.

Rapunzel scrambled on her feet. "That was not funny! And stop calling me Greenie!"

"Well what do you want to be called, then? Shank?" mocked Meg.

Rapunzel balled her hands into fists. She let her hair fall to the ground and straightened herself so she stood high and proud. "My name is Rapunzel."

"Whatever Greenie girl, " Meg said. "I'll call ya whatever I want to call ya, shank. Or should I say, skank."

Rapunzel let out an angry groan and launched onto Meg, plummeting the Gladess into the dirt. There were gasps and a few "ooh"s.

Realization hit Meg, and she pounced upward, shoving Rapunzel off of her. "You wanna fight now, Greenbean? C'mon! Show me what you got!"

Rapunzel was pissed now, and soon the girls were pounding each other into a vicious brawl. The surrounding Gladesses were hysterical.

Meg yanked Rapunzel by her hair. Just as Rapunzel screamed, a monster wail cracked through the air. Everyone - including Meg and Rapunzel - snapped their heads to the East wall and everything blared into silence.

It came from inside the Maze.

Rapunzel was breathing heavily. "What the . . ."

The monster wail shortly sounded off.

"Alright ladies, nighttime!" It was Pocahontas.

The Gladesses sent their complaints but soon trailed away. Rapunzel slapped Meg off of her and Meg fell to her side. "Geez, right when the party gets to the good stuff," Meg scoffed.

Pocahontas looked above them. "Up you two, now."

Rapunzel hastened to her feet and didn't bother to look into Pocahontas's eyes. She hurried to find Sofia to get her sleeping arrangements and be done for the day.

Rapunzel met Sofia in the Deadheads by Merida. Sofia ran right up to Rapunzel.

"Dude! I mean, Rapunzel! That was insane!" Sofia exclaimed. "You and Meg really got into some action!"

Merida grinned. "Yeah Punzie, you really showed Meg somethin'."

Shrugging, Rapunzel said, "I wouldn't have fought her if she hadn't bothered with me in the first place." Then a shiver eased down her spine. "Where do I go to sleep?"

Sofia threw her a sleeping bag. "I have a nice spot for us near the Homestead. Follow me."

Rapunzel did what she was told and waved goodbye to Merida.

It was an hour past midnight. Sofia was recklessly trying to find a comfortable spot on her sleeping bag. She turned over so she was facing Rapunzel. "It's late, what are you looking at?"

Rapunzel met Sofia's gaze but looked back upward at the sky above. The stats were blinking down on them, not the moon nor clouds to be seen.

Rapunzel sighed. "I remember charting the stars once. The key is to gaze into them every night and watch their movements . . . someone told me they have the ability to show you the way home."

The girls laid in silence for a few moments.

Sofia relaxed. "That's deep."

Rapunzel smiled to herself.



Sofia had a change in tone. "I don't want to stay here the rest of my life." She sounded like she was about to cry.

Rapunzel turned her body to face the younger girl. "Sofia, I'm going to make certain that you don't stay in here the rest of your life. All of us. One day, we're all going to get out of here, and find our way home." She smiled.

"You seem so determined," said Sofia, and she wiped a tear from her eye. "Too bad it's impossible to solve the freaking Maze." She turned herself away, and Rapunzel was left struck dumb.

After a long minute of contemplating the whole situation, Rapunzel made one last assuring notice.

"Sofia, I promise you, I will return you back home. And when I promise something, I never, ever break that promise."


Let's be real, Rapunzel was a good choice to play Thomas :)

Don't forget to vote and comment! Hope everyone enjoyed...


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