Chapter 1

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Heyy guys, I hope you really enjoy this book as much as I do! And I've decided to change the character actor of Chace Keegan from Keegan Lutz into Cam Gigandet! Loool Just imagine Cam Gigandet at age 16! I know total hotty! well he still is but still! XD 

Comment and tell me if you like the new character change! This a pic on the side of Chace as well! :)


Chapter 1:

Alyson's P.O.V.:



My alarm went off at 7:00 am and it was time to wake up for school, I didn't want to wake up for, school how I hated school. My school was not you're a typical school but one filled with werewolves. Yup, I said its werewolves. There are no humans that go to my school except for the ones that live in the area but they don't actually go here so yeah. 

Before my parents died, my mum and dad set us up for the pack's werewolf, school and me and my brother had been going ever since. Even though my brother hated me, but we'll get into to that later. My school is an all werewolf school, which means only werewolf's go to it, that are in our pack. We pretend to say its a private school and you have to have a scholarship to get in. But the truth, it's a werewolf school and only werewolves are allowed in no humans. 

And what makes it worse, is that everyone in my entire pack hates me. Let's take a let recap when I was younger aged 5. My parents died, don't ask killed by rogues and my brother being the sick asshole he lied and said I killed my parents. And everyone fell for it. I know what you're thinking how can a 5 year kill their parents. But my pack probably just used the reason to make me the school punching bag.  

Anyway, here I am 16 years old, feeling terrible because of these losers -

"ALYSON! GET YOU'RE FATASS DOWN HERE! WHERE'S MY BREAKFAST!" Yup says me shit older brother, Adrian he thinks he's all that just because he's part of the 'popular's' well he's not!

"COMING!" I yelled really not in the mood for him, " Well hurry up how long does it take for you to make you're self-look better it's not like its going to make a difference anyway" He shouts, and I hear laughs from downstairs, and I wonder its probably Adrain's stupid friends. Great, how embarrassing and humiliating. Oh well, I'm used to it anyway.

I looked in the mirror and just brushed my hair a little and tied it into I high ponytail, and put on my lose baggy jeans and my Hollister top which is really worn out and my baseball cap. I don't play baseball but I just like the caps style, I have a ton of them that all look the same, everyone thinks I wear the same cap every day but I really don't I just have a bunch of them that are the same.

I take one last look in the mirror, and think to myself, well I'm not exactly ugly, I have long dark brown golden silky hair, which has a lot of dead ends, but only because I have been taking care of it. And I have really pale skin and bright blue emerald green eyes like my mum's and they really stand out, but they're covered by my large bags under my eyes. Hey, I didn't get much sleep last night, these wacko's had a party last night I obviously wasn't invited so I have a headache too. And I'm not exactly skinny or hot, I'm quite overweight, but who cares I don't want to be too skinny anyway! 

"HURRY UP ALYSON! HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE!" My brother shouted I'm beginning to lose my patience of this a-hole.

"I SAID I WAS COMMING!" I hurried downstairs, knowing if I didn't Adrain would leave me that bastard he's done it enough times already. 

I finally came downstairs and saw Adrain and his friends, Kyle, Luke, and Chace. I looked at Chace and felt this immediate pull to him, and smelt the best scent in the whole word he smelt like peppermint, spices, and wood. I know it doesn't sound nice but he smelt so nice to me it was amazing! I didn't know what was happening. 

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