New Years Kiss ( Markiplier x Reader)

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Reader POV:

Today is New Years eve and i'm suppose to have a 3 of friends over for a mini party! I invited Mark, Sean and my best friend Jasmine. I've known her for a while so i decided to invite her so they can meet new people. 

I was setting up beer, chips,dip and other stuff until i heard the doorbell ring. Jasmine said she would be here early to help me set up so i automatically assumed it was her and it was. "Hey (y/n)!" she said. Then i noticed someone behind her. It was mark! I was shocked that he was here 1 hour early but i didn't question it. "Hey (y/n)! Where are the others?" Mark asked when he came to the front door. " Oh i just invited you, Jasmine, and Sean. i didn't want the hassle of over 50 people in my house." I replied. He nodded and went over to the supplies to help Jasmine and I set up.

After 30 minutes of setting up a party for 4 Sean finally got here and we started to eat and drink a few beers. Not too many of course because were gonna have champagne later.

I get up to turn on the tv but that's when mark says "Lets play truth or dare!" We all nodded and sat in circle. "Ok Sean you go first." I tell him. " Ok. Hmmmm... Mark truth or dare." Sean asked mark. "uh dare." Mark says. Sean thinks for a while and then says " I dare you to kiss one of the girls as you New Years kiss." Me and Jasmine both blush at the dare Sean gave Mark and Mark blushed too. After all the blushing it was my turn. "Ok Jasmine truth or dare. I ask her. "Truth." she says. I think and then say "Is it true you have a crush on Sean?" Her face turns red and so does Sean's. She then says. "I refuse to answer." I give her a sad look and then we continue playing the game. After playing the game we realize it was almost Midnight. I get the champagne glasses and poor the champagne.

We then start counting down."10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Then Mark grabs me and kisses me. When we pulled away i said in shock. " You c-chose me??"  " Of course! I loved you for the longest time and I thought I might as well make a move today." He said staring into my eyes. I smiled and looked over at Jasmine and Sean making out. "I knew that was going to happen" I say giggling quietly. Mark pulled me in for another mini make out session and then said smirking " How bout we leave them be and go to your room?" I nodded and mark picked me up bridal style. 

I think we all know what happens next. ;)


Yay another chapter!!! I'm sorry for not updating on Monday. I got sick and I didn't feel well. But I will make it up my posting 2 chapters on Friday! So you'll get your 3 chapters for this week. I was gonna do smut in this one for the fangirls but I felt awkward doing it because my parents are in the same room while i was writing this and when i write smut or read it i blush really hard. Thats why i added th hint that they did the sex. Lol. :P Anyways thats all I really have to say. See ya'll in the next chapter!

~Alyssa :) <3

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