I'm Sorry (Pewdiepie x Reader)

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Well this is the last one. I really hope ya'll enjoyed this series and i hope i can bring it back soon. Thanks for reading! 

Useful things

(Y/S/N) = your sisters name ( Or make one up if you don't have one)

Reader POV:

 I sat on the couch watching Felix's show "Scare Pewdiepie". I had nothing else to do and all week Felix has been busy. I can understand why because his channel is huge but he picks his channel over his girlfriend. 

I sat there staring at the t.v screen but I knew I had to do something to get me out of the  house. So I texted my sister (Y/S/N) to see if she wanted to go out for lunch. Of course being her happy self, she said yes. With a excited emoji. 

Before I left I put a note on Felix's door saying I would be back in a couple hours and then I got in the car and left.

At the restaurant...

I was with my (Y/S/N) talking about  how it's been with Felix and how I've been doing. She then came put with this "When are you guys gonna have kids?" I nearly spit out my food and started laughing. "I don't think anytime soon. I mean I still act like I'm young so I thing I need to wait till I'm ready." She looked sad but then went on talking about how she's been.

Once we finished I paid and we said our goodbyes and left. It was pretty late for me so I would've expected Felix to be in bed and sleeping but as i guessed, he wasn't. He was editing another video. I just went passed his office and got into my pajamas. I then walked passed his office again and thought of something.

I snuck behind him then quickly sat on his lap. " (Y/N) I'm busy!!!" He said with a harsh tone. "You know what your always busy! Everyday for the past 2 weeks you've been working not even saying a thing to me! Apparently your youtube channel is way more important than me!" Then I got off and stomped back to our shared room. 

I cried in the pillow until I heard the door open. I put a pillow over my head until it was lifted off. "(Y/N) I'm sorry ok? I've just got to caught up in things to realize anything. Please (Y/N) Jag ar ledsen...(A/N: It's Swedish and it means "I'm sorry")" Said Felix with a sad tone. I couldn't help but hug him and say "I forgive you..." I looked at him and see him smiling. "But you have to promise me you'll spend more time with me. Ok? " I said looking at him with a serious look. "I promise." Said Felix hugging me and following up with "Jag alskar dig (A/N: It means I love you in Swedish) (Y/N)) I smiled and replied "Jag alskar dig for"(A/N: "for" in swedish means 'too')  Then kissing him before i fell to sleep...


*Cries* I can't believe this is the end. I have gotten so far and now it has to end. Thank you for reading my work and I hope i can bring this back in the future!

~ Alyssa :')

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