Chapter 4

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Harry POV

After I asked Rose if she would like to come to our football game. I was so  nervous that Rose was going to say no. But when I got the paper back and it said yes.   We spent the rest of class talking  like this when the bell rang. I  really did not want to have to stop our chat that we were having. After I put my books in my bag I looked to see if Rose was  still in the classroom. I saw that she was waiting for Emily  to get done talking to Lou and for her to get her stuff all together.

I walked up to her that I was wondering if it would be  ok if we had each others  numbers. Rose nodded her head and handed me her white iPhone 6s I turned on her phone and I saw that her lockscreen   was of a band that I have head of I side the screen and saw that she has a code on hers so I told her that she needs to put her code in. She did when she gave it back I went to  her  contacts  and added my number I put my name as Hazza  and took a self of me making a stilly face. when I was done I  saw that she was hold my black iPhone out for me to take it back.

I gave her back her phone and told her that I will text her tonight.  Emily  then walk to where we were so I told Rose bye. I walked to lou I told him that I saw that he was talking to Emily during the  whole class. He told me that they really got to know each other and that he asked her if she would like to go on a date with him. Lou went on to tell me that they are going on a date Saturday. As he was telling me this.

We went to our lockers to put our books up. When I was done with doing that I made my way to the locker room to get ready for practices. When I was done I made my way to the field.  On my way to I gab a ball so that when I get out there I can start throwing.  When I got to the field I saw  that  Niall and Liam were already warming up. I  went over to where they were and started to warm up myself then when Lou came out  we started to kick  the ball  to each other.

Lou and Liam were  kicking with each other and Niall was with me. Coach Parker s that we had to run some plays .  We practices some dills. We did that for a bit I was  getting ready to pass the ball to Niall but Niall was not paying attention to what was going on. I stopped the ball ball from going to Niall but Niall was looking at something that was in the stands. I looked at what he was seeing and when I saw that he was looking at  what was Mary Emily and Rose.  Niall ran into the net and fell Mary could not help but start to laugh at her boyfriend.   

Rose P.O.V

After Harry asked me if I wanted to hang out with him. I could not keep the smile off of my face.  When I said yes and gave him the note back I  saw that he looked very nervous . But when Harry opened up the note saw that I said yes.  He looked at me and smiled at me. I looked up to the front of the room to see if Mrs. Jones  was looking to  were we where but when I was that she was writing notes on the bored for the test that we are  going to have next Friday.

  I was about to start taking notes but the note that me and harry had going on was on my desk. We kept talking like this till the class was over. I looked at Harry to see if he wanted the note or not. He was putting his notebook and textbook into his bag but stopped when he looked up and saw that I was just looking at him. He told me that he wanted me to keep it he gave me a smile and went back to packing his bag.

After harry told me that I could keep it I put it into my notebook and put my textbook into my bag as well. When I was done I went to the door to wait for Emily to get her things. As I was waiting I got all of the books that I don't need tonight. 

I did not notice that someone was next to me. When I looked up I saw that it  was harry  was standing next to me. I looked at him and smile he then asked me if we could get each others numbers. I nodded my head I then got my white iPhone 6s out of my bag. When I handed him my phone he gave me his black iPhone 6s he had already put his code in. I saw that is home screen  was of him and 2 women one that looked to be in her 50's and one that looked like she was in her 20's. I guess that it was his mom and sister. I smiled when I saw how much he looks like his mom.

Harry made a noise that bought me out my thoughts.    I looked up from the picture I was looking at I saw that he was handing me my phone back to me.  Harry said that I need to put my code in for him to put his number in my phone. once I did I  gave him back my phone when I did I  told him that i liked his home screen. He told me that is his mom and sister.

I put in my number into his phone  When I was done I held his phone to him to let him know that I was done. Harry was still looking down at my phone still putting in his info. I was waiting for him to get done so I was looking at Emily and Lou to see that they where walking over to were we are. Lou smiled and said hi to me before  saying hi to Harry. Who was just getting done with putting his number in my phone. Harry handed me my phone and I gave him back his.

He asked for a picture for my info I nodded. He asked Lou to take the picture of us. When it was taken. Lou gave Harry his phone back and told harry that they had to go to practice. Harry told Emily bye and Lou told me bye and then Lou was  waiting for Harry in the hallway.

Harry turned back to me and told me that he will text me later tonight. After he said that he went into the hallway with Lou so that they could go. I looked over at Emily and she was smiling I smiled at her and she said that we should go and get Mary. I nodded and we were off to get our crazy best friend.

Emily and I were waiting outside of Mary's class. Emily said that during the last class she looked over at me and Harry and she saw that we where not even listening to anything that was happening in class. She wanted to know what we were talking about I told her that she would have to wait for Mary to know that. Right after I said that Niall walked up to us and said hi to us and we were talking about different things as we waited .

Mary came out as she looked at us she was very happy to see that Niall was there as well she said hey to us and Niall. He gave Mary a kiss and told her that he had to go to

Mary looked at Emily and I to see what we were up to. Emily told Mary what happened in out last class. As Emily was telling her we made our way to our lockers and put up our books. Because we don't have homework tonight.  We stood at our locker and talked for a few minutes after Emily was done telling us how Lou was taking her out Saturday night.

We made our way to watch Niall practice for Mary who really wanted to see him. We are now sitting and watching them practice. I told them about what happened with me and Harry last class and got the note out and let them read it. As they were reading it I could not help but smile.

When they were done Mary handed it back to me and we watched Harry and the boys passing the ball back and forth. Harry was getting ready to pass it to Niall but Niall was not ready because he was looking at Mary and ran into the net and fell. Me and Emily and the team could not stop laughing at him. Mary gave us a look but I rolled my eyes and looked at Harry who was looking right at me.

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Hey guys I am so sorry that it took me way longer then I plane but I did it here is chapter 4 I really do hope that you like it

Can we take a moment because 1) HARRY IS 22 now and 2) the history video OMG BEST One EVER



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