Chapter 3

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I woke up early the next day, because the room was freezing. My room back at Cathia Haven was cool and well adjusted, while this one seems like I live in the north pole. It was just six in the morning, but I decided to walk it off, so I threw my covers and dragged my frozen feet across this huge bedroom just to get to the bedroom. I wrapped my arms around myself, as my gray sleeves couldn't keep me warm. My gray pants were fine, but my feet were frozen to the wooden floor.

I walked like a penguin all the way to the bathroom that blasted me with an icy gust and hit me right in the face. The bathroom was cold as well, and the tiled, aquamarine floor was like stepping on a frozen pond barefoot. I turned on the faucet that released steaming water to turn up the heat around here. It was boiling hot but it melted the prickling feeling on my fingertips. Steam puffed up my cheeks and revealed the blood in my skin. I cupped my hands together to gather some water before splashing it on my face so it could warm me. The droplets trickled down my neck, some going down my body and some absorbed by the fabric of my clothes. Suddenly someone spoke up "You okay?" the voice startled me, it was stern and dark but there was an echo of gentleness in it.

I jumped when I saw Christian's reflection in the mirror. He was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and his hair was in a mess. I took in his beautiful stance, his straight posture and tall frame with a build body and a strong charismatic appearance. I smiled weakly and nodded, to which he used as a signal to come over to me. He stood just about a foot behind me and I watched him in the mirror as he eyed me. He reached out his hands from behind me, carefully damping them in the boiling water before putting his hands on my back. They slithered in from the back of my collar; he slowly rubbed on my back massaging each muscle with force that turns me encumberment and vulnerable. It was a sensational feeling, indescribable, the way the motions of his hands draw circles on my back and his breath on my neck; I could feel him closer and his body pressed against mine. He ran his hands down my back, my chest and wrapping his arms around my stomach, creeping inside my shirt. This was everything I wanted, just not now, and it caught me by surprise because I gasped but he didn't let go. He didn't let go.

"You should get ready for school, you don't want to be late." He said, his voice echoing in my ear. He kissed my hair and gave my shoulder a squeeze before exiting the bathroom and giving me room to breathe. He closed the bathroom door behind him and I almost fell to the floor. I had to prop my arms on the sink, to make sure I don't faint. This was giving me goosebumps, and I was shivering in anxiety. Christian had this mysterious aura that he explodes around him, and no one can tell what he is thinking. Me, sometimes, but he was a quiet mind, and you never know what gets his mind grinding. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looked awful to be honest. Back then in Cathia Haven I didn't have to look presentable, I could look homeless, or a drugged hostage, and no one would care because they knew us patients wouldn't bother. I rarely look in the mirror ever since. And I look at myself now; my tousled black hair, the dark circles underneath my black coals, and I had a scar on my left cheekbone just visible, near my eye. It was from an accident back when I was in the ward; I think it was my first few weeks admitted into the hospital, the insane ones, because I kept screaming day and night, and I could almost envision it everywhere I go. I thought I was ill, maybe going bonkers forever; this was before Wesley was assigned to me, he kept me company at night. One evening, during the first time my family could visit I was sitting by my window looking at the sun setting in the distance. It was red, orange, and yellow, and golden, and beautiful....

"I've never seen, such a sight...." I said to myself.

No one here, so people wouldn't think I was crazy. In fact, I am crazy! I'm talking to myself aren't I? Oh, no wander my family doesn't visit. Maybe they don't love me anymore; maybe vie scared them away. I was lost in my own mind I didn't hear one of the nurses opening the door. I was in a frozen state within my subconscious; I didn't feel the bed tip to the side.

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