Getting Used to Home

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(No Pov)

"So," informed Slenderman,"Would you four mind coming into my office?"

Jake and Shamus walked from the group with ease, saying goodbye to the person they were currently speaking to. Izzy and Blue slowly arose from the corner they were sitting in, everybody awkwardly stared at them, making a path for them to walk through.

Blue closed her eyes tightly," It is going to be okay, its all gonna be okay," She then grabbed Izzy's hand tightly.

Izzy saw Jeff stare dead in her eyes. She glared over to him giving her signature evil eye.

Blue and Izzy looked at each other and nodded, they both knew what they were thinking," We aren't here for friendship," Blue whispered," We are here to kill... Operation No Go"

Izzy  looked down, " We have to do this for our career, this is good for us, Operation No Go is a go"

They looked up evilly, " This is gonna be fun" They said in unison.




(Izzy's Pov)

We were then led to a huge room. Crystal floors, white walls, one of the most beautiful things I have seen in my life.

"Hello children, we are here to talk about the Ceremony of Proxies"

"umm, what is that?" asked Shamus.

Jake patted him on the shoulder, " Shamus, I heard this with Jeff, it will require pain, lots of pain. Jeff got his ceremony not too long ago, it still hasn't scarred."

Blue held up her hand, "Stop. Master, we will do whatever it takes, no matter what. At least for me-"

"And me," replied Izzy with a straight face.

"We aren't here for friends, we are here for killing, for doing what we love and we both are determined to do it with your help"

"You two are going to be special in the group, I can tell already my children," Slenderman continued," The ceremony will be placed in four days. You have the choice for it to have a big celebration, or for it to be alone then quietly showing it off to your comrades"

" I want a big party, with a cake!" said Shamus.

" I don't," said Izzy," I want it to be alone, only with a few people, and by a few people, I mean only Blue, Shamus, Jake and Hole"

"Very well, its settled, we will have it alone, in the bottom floor, second door to the left."

"Now, it is time for you go to your rooms, you share rooms with one of your comrades here. Izzy you and Blue have your own room, Jake and Shamus are sharing a room, this also includes Hole. You are dismissed"

They all bowed their heads and said, "Yes Master" then left quietly. The group was walking downstairs and again, everyone was still staring.

"Izzy, you thirsty? I'm gonna grab a beer, do you want any thing? it can even be non-alcoholic!" said Rose, opening the fridge.

"oh, no, I'm ok," Izzy whispered

"suit yourself!" She said grabbing a bottle of booze and sitting on the stairs. She took off her mask and the dark red blood dripped from her eyes. Everyone gasped,

"Why the fuck did everyone gasp?! There is nothing wrong with my face," Her eyes became all red, her teeth sharpened to a point. Her skin was turning gray.

"OH FUCK EVERYONE RUN!" Screamed Izzy. She grabbed Shamus and Sally, then ran out quickly.

Jake's eyes widen, "Hole, come, run out. EVERYBODY, WE ARE WARNING YOU RUN NOW!"

"s-st-stop, please. I d-don't wan-t t-to any-an-anymore" Rose groaned. She bared her teeth once more and screeched.

"HAHAHA, I FORGOT HOW GOOD IT FEELS TO BE ME!" But Rose's eyes widened and she turned around to see Slenderman.

"Rose, darling, we don't mean to hurt you," he continued," I, didn't mean to hurt you... I'm sorry for what I'm about to do, truly" One of the black tentacles attached to his back flew out and grabbed Rose.

(Jeff Pov {I know, weird})

He just, took her, with his big, tentacle thing. What the fuck? This girl's eyes turned all white and she screamed once more, red steam blew from her nose and her body fell loose against SM. The people slowly poured back into the trashed living room. SM still holds her motionless body.

"Yo," said BEN, flying over to her," Is she gonna be okay? Not that I care about her or anything...."

"Yes BEN, Rose will be okay, since she was raised with torture, her soul turned turned into torture, therefore she WAS continuously tortured after she was raped, tortured, and then thrown out," he continued," She will be okay but her skin wont, right now it is gray, but when the demon leaves her, her skin will be white, but her eyes will stay blood red." He moved the hair out of her face," she will be sick for a day or two, so somebody must watch her," They all stared at BEN.

He shrugged and picked her up, flying into his room," YOUR NOT GETTING HER BACK!!!!!"

Izzy giggled,"so much for plan no go, I guess? BEN GET YOUR DEAD ASS BACK HERE AND GIVE ME MY BESTFRIEND!!!"

They ran around for two hours taking the girl in and out of their arms. Until, Rose finally woke up, in BEN's arms.

" B-BEN? Where is SM? What the fuck happened?" She winced at her head from hurting.

She shrugged and snuggled against BEN," I really don't care though"

(BEN Pov)

"SHE IS MINE!!!!! Annnnnnd, she is awake."
Izzy ran over, laughing hysterically, when she met me, she punched me. A surge of fucking pain came through me. After that, she threw me down the fucking stairs, but then fell down them with me. Luckily, I put down Blue before that.
"ugh, fuck.." I groaned.
"ummm, guys, do you have like medicine here... My head hurtssss! What happened anyway?" At that moment you saw that she remembers everything. She gasps and starts crying, running away into SM's office.
"It's okay," Slenderman said," I will deal with her" he said then teleporting away
(No Pov)
"Darling.." The Slenderman said to the girl who was crying on his desk, " It's okay, tell me."
"I-I can't do this, I'm scared... What happens if they find the truth?" Blue said think Slenderman knew what "the truth" was; he does.
"Child, if you want them to know, you have to tell them, I can't do it, you must."
There was a long period of silence, she just sat there, thinking. Then, it happened,
"I will do it..... Soon" she said and then sighed, getting up.
"Good job, you're going to be a great killer, Blue Rose, my boy...."

-Blue's work
YEA BITCHES YOU THOUGH I WAS A FEMALE, NAW!!! Well, I'm kinda a female. I was born one. But hey! My name is Blue... Like my character. So, all in all I'm transgender... Oh, and sorry for the late, late, late, LATE update. I was really trying for a long falter and me and Izzy still have school work. Thanks for the support, bye my lovelies!!!

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