Run For Your Life - Chapter Five

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Excuse the mistakes


"Lindsay, honey, you're going to need to go solo."

I couldn't even process Ronnie's words for a good thirty seconds. It was as if my mind just refused to accept the fact that someone told me I had to ditch my band, my two best friends, in order to follow my dream.


I was ripped from my thoughts, and I found RJ, Ethan, Ronnie, and Rufus all staring at me. It took me a moment, but I realized they were all waiting for me to say something, and my throat decided that would be the best time to tighten up.

"Are you serious?" I asked, focusing my gaze on Ronnie.

"I'm afraid so," Ronnie replied, giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, Lindsay, but I just think that it would be—"

"No!" I blurted, cutting Ronnie off completely, "the answer is no!"

"Linds, what the hell are you doing?" RJ demanded, grabbing my arm.

"I can't ditch you guys," I stated, standing up and pulling my arm out of RJ's grasp, "I just can't. I started really enjoying playing music with you and Ethan, and I can't just throw that away."

"Lindsay, this is a record deal," Ethan said slowly, looking from me to Ronnie.

"I..." my voice trailed off, and I pressed my hands against my face as I tried to force my brain to think straight.

For the past couple years, I'd had the dream of making it in the music industry, but that dream included Ethan and RJ by my side. I never saw another option, and now that one was presented to me, I didn't know how to react.

"Lindsay." Ronnie spoke up for the first time since I practically screamed no at her, and she stood up. "I understand how difficult a decision this is, and I don't expect you to make it tonight. However, I need you to understand that I am flying back to New York City Monday morning, and when that plane leaves, so does my offer."

I swallowed hard and nodded, and then Ronnie fished around in her purse for a moment before producing a business card. "Here," she said, holding it out to me, "I'll be available all day Sunday, so call me and we'll set up a lunch to discuss any thoughts you might have."

I didn't respond, or even take Ronnie's card, and RJ sighed before standing up and taking it for me. "Thank you," he said, nodding at Ronnie. Then, he tucked the card in the back pocket of my shorts and sat back down.

"Call me," Ronnie said, and she gave me a long look before nodding at Rufus and turning away. She walked out of the room, and before RJ or Ethan could get out a word, Rufus snapped his fingers and pointed to the door.

"I need a moment alone with Lindsay," he said, and Rufus's voice told me that he was serious and in no mood for protests from either of the boys. RJ and Ethan shared a slightly annoyed look before getting up and filing out of the room.

"Rufus," I breathed, collapsing into the couch, "I ca—"

"Stop right there, Kid," Rufus interrupted, holding up a hand, "I know what you're going to say. You don't want to leave RJ and Ethan, the ones who you started playing with and the ones you wanted to make it with. You're going to say that you can't do it, and inside, you're feeling guilty."

I blinked and didn't say a word, since Rufus pretty much had my speech down to a concise few sentences. Instead, I sighed and sat up on the couch, and I let my head fall to my hands. There were so many conflicting thoughts sprinting through my mind, and it was amazing to me that just five minutes ago, I was in such a fun, good mood.

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