Part 4

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Chaos sat meditating for hours harnessing his power before he went to engage on his kill a sitting member on the Jedi Council. His Master was a member of the Dark Hand and was a shoe in to sit on the Dark Council. Chaos hated all those on that council, it reminded him of the Jedi. He felt as though the Sith was too great in number and believed that it should operate on a smaller scale. However when he brought his concerns to his master he was punished severely. To prove his theory he challenged the Council that he only could infiltrate the Jedi and single handedly assassinate a Jedi master.

He continued to sit alone within the Sith shrine harnessing the dark side. So much was riding on this one mission. Should he succeed he can beat out the other apprentices and would be strong enough to defeat the Dark Hand and then the Dark Council and led the Sith...or so he thought.

Chaos sat in his single pilot Sith fighter and flew into the atmosphere of Coruscant. The night sky flew quickly upon the city covered planet though this did not stop the people on the planet from their day to day traveling. Coruscant was just as busy at night as it would be during the day. He landed at an empty docking port about an kilometer from the Jedi temple.

Nahum looked around as if someone else was coming to take the seat. Soon 3 Sith acolytes entered the tavern. They were searching for something or someone. They stopped at the bar and questioned the bartender. 

Nahum's eyes narrowed and quickly lowered his sensitivity.  

"Kimpo Lass correct?"  

"Who's asking?"

"I am Nahum Nadd, the Jedi council has ordered me to bring you before them." 

"A padawan?"

Nahum did not allow that revelation to deter him. Quickly though Kimpo looked over to the bar and noticed the 3 questionable men looking in his direction. "Listen Jedi, can you get me off this rock?"

Nahum leaned over the table and nodded his head in agreement.

"Help me leave and I will tell your council everything." Kimpo said with urgency.

Kimpo felt a spike in the force. He looked behind him and noticed the 3 men in dark cloaks coming in their direction. Nahum grabbed Kimpo by the hand and rushed out the back entrance. Two of the 3 warriors chased after them however the other went out the front door to cut them off.

Kimpo and Nahum ran through the streets but the power of the Sith slowed them down. Nahum tried so hard to out power it but it was becoming harder and harder. The power of the Sith began to mode his thinking. As they reached the ship in the swamps outside the city. Nahum's thoughts began to betray him, he looked at Kimpo with a hatred in his eyes. He grabbed his lightsaber from his belt. His green blade ignited and quickly Kimpo began to understand what was happening. Nahum raised his weapon to strike.

Suddenly Nahum pushed away Kimpo and blocked the strike of one the Sith acolytes. Nahum forced pushed him into a nearby tree. The other two soon attacked Nahum though like a man under the influence of a greater power was able to defend their attacks with ease. Nahum dodged an attack and rolled under one and pierced his blade into the flesh of the acolyte. He pulled his lightsaber from him and his body fell like a sack of potatoes. Nahum stood quickly and decapitated the other. Anger fueled Nahum as he prowled toward the acolyte by the tree and deactivated his weapon and hooked it to his belt. The acolyte stood with his lightsaber pointed towards Nahum.

"Put down your weapon and walk away." Nahum advised.

The acolyte did not reply. Nahum tilted his head slightly to the left. Using the force he lifted the acolyte in the air. Kimpo was confused he was under the impression that Jedi were more remorseful. Nahum proved otherwise, he had a darkness to him. He was trying to kill this acolyte. Though he would agree that he should kill them, but not this way.

The acolyte screamed in pain, it felt as if his body was being ripped apart.

"NAHUM!" A voice cried out.

Nahum's eyes were bright red and quickly turned  brown once more. He snapped from his trance and released the acolyte. Nahum looked at Kimpo then around as if he was looking for the source of the voice.

"Master?" Nahum replied. He took a moment to look around again. Kimpo stood confused, looking around as well.

"Can we go?" Kimpo rushed.

Nahum took a moment before answering. "Yeah, let's go."

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