Getting Ready

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Jisoo's POV

Mina, wait until I get you. You will become my girlfriend one day!

Mina's POV

I went to school and saw Sinhae looking at me worried.

"I heard about yesterday, are you okay" she asked and I just nodded smiling.

We went to our lockers. I opened mine and found a letter so I opened it without hesitation.

It said,
Mina, I'm not going to let go of you! I'll make you mine one day! Nothing can stop me, even your beloved boyfriend^^ Until then, bye my love~ love, your babe, Jisoo

I was shocked that I froze and the letter dropped on the ground.

"Mina, are you okay? What is this?" Sinhae asked while picking up the letter.

She read it and was shocked.

"What should I do? I'm scared" I looking at her with fear.

"You should show this to Jungkook" she said.

"but I don't want him to worry about it" I said.

"Mina! You could be in danger! You have to tell him or I'm telling him!" She yelled.

"Ok I'll tell him" I said as I grabbed the letter.

"Hey babe" Jungkook said as he came up to us.

Sinhae gave me the stare of 'you better say it now' and left.

I looked down and he noticed me acting differently.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" He asked being concerned.

"Can I talk to you for a moment on the rooftop right now?" I asked.

"sure but the class is going to start in a moment" he said.

"can we skip a class today?" I asked and he nodded.

We walked upstairs and he asked, "what's wrong babe?"

I didn't say anything and gave him the paper. He read it and curled the paper into a ball. He threw it away and yelled angrily. I felt scared and looked down.

"When did he give you this" He asked calmly.

"It was in my locker today when I got here, what should I do? I'm scared now" I said feeling scared.

"Don't worry Mina! I could protect my girl from a guy! I should have killed him that day" He said looking angry.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks and he quickly hugged me.

"I'm scared Jungkook! I don't know what to do" I cried.

He patted my back saying it will be alright and it made me feel better. We stayed up there until lunch. We went to the cafeteria when it was lunch time.

We sat down in our usual seat and Sinhae asked, "did you tell him?" And I nodded.

She sighed and went back to talking. I felt someone stare at me so I turned to the direction finding Jisoo looking at me. And when I looked at him, he winked at me so I quickly turned back to my friends.

"Are you okay" Jungkook asked since I turned pale.

"Uh, yeah I'm okay" I lied.

"You sure" He asked and I nodded.

Time skip to after school

"Mina, I'll walk you home" Jungkook said.

I agreed, "thanks!".

As we were walking home, we talked about prom like what I was going to wear, what he was going to wear, if we could become the prom king and prom queen or not. I know it's stupid but we didn't know what to talk about. We arrived and we said our goodbyes and I pecked his lips and went inside my house. I went upstairs and did my homework as always. It was dinner and we ate our dinner as always.

Skip to the day before prom since nothing happened

Today was the day before prom and I was so excited. I picked out a mint dress that I bought with Sinhae and admired it. It was really beautiful!

(A/N: look at the photo on top of the chapter)

Sinhae bought a black long dress with sparkles which was also really pretty. I can't wait for tomorrow. I got ready to go to school and walked out of the house to see Jungkook waiting for me.

"Let's go!" I said and he nodded holding my hand.

Jungkook has been the best boyfriend ever! He is so caring, protective, handsome, and nice! I'm so lucky to have this man! We were talking about prom tomorrow.

"I'll pick you up at 4 and meet up the guys to take pictures and leave from their" he said and I nodded.

We arrived at school and Sinhae greeted me, "hey!"

"Hey!" I greeted her back.

We were walking to class talking about prom. Everyone was talking about prom! I mean who wouldn't when it's the last prom of your entire life.

Time skip go after school

Jungkook dropped me off and I went upstairs to do my homework as always. I still get As on my exams so my parents don't worry about me. After I finished all my homework, I put on my face mask to look pretty for tomorrow. Every girl wants to look pretty for prom. After that we ate dinner and I went to bed early.

Next morning

I woke up at 10 and got ready. I wore my dress and went downstairs to go to Sinhae's house since I don't have any makeup so she decided to do my makeup and my hair. My parents were home since it was Saturday.

"My daughter is so pretty!" My mom and dad said.

"Thanks!" I smiled.

"Bye mom and dad!" I hugged them.

I walked out and went to Sinhae's house.

"Hey!" I greeted her.

"Hey" she greeted back.

"You are so pretty!" I yelled.

"thanks! You are prettier" she hugged me.

She took me to her room and I sat on her chair. I closed my eyes as she did my makeup.

"Don't open your until I say so" she warned and I nodded smiling.

She did my eyes and put on lipstick. She jumped around like a baby and I could feel it since the whole room is shaking. I just laughed but didn't open my eyes or else she will yell at me. I felt her touch my hair, guess she's curling my hair.

"Ok! All done! Open your eyes!" She yelled excitedly.

I opened my eyes and was shocked. I looked really pretty with my half up and half down curled hair with makeup. I hugged her while thanking her. After she did her makeup, we took a lot selfies. Like a lot, maybe 100 selfies. We waited until the boys come, Jungkook will be coming with V at 4 and it was 3 right now. This is the best day of my life!


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