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Mina's POV

Today I walked to school alone. I was so tired since I cried all night yesterday. It was so boring walking to school alone all the sudden when you always had someone walk with you. I arrived at school and opened my locker. I grabbed my textbook and my notebook and I walked to class feeling sad. I sat down on my seat and Jimin sat down next to me.

"Hey" Jimin looked at me with pity.

"Hey" I said sadly.

"Don't worry Mina! Jungkook will remember you" He said trying to cheer me up.

I just weakly smiled back since I had no energy. I looked back at the front since the teacher came in. We did our boring lesson and the class ended. I decided to skip this class since I already knew the lesson. I went to the rooftop and took my phone out. I started going to the photos of Jungkook and I.

"I miss him... I hope he can remember me soon" I muttered as I fell asleep since I was really tired.

The bell rang and I checked my phone and noticed it was lunch! I skipped so many classes but I just walked downstairs and went to the cafeteria. I saw Sinhae with BTS except Jungkook I sat next to Sinhae and greeted her as usual.

She looked shocked and said, "where were you?! I was so worried you know!"

And I just smiled weakly at her and said, " I was at the rooftop to skip a class but I fell asleep and I woke up just now" and she just smiled at me.

"So do you want to come with us today to see Jungkook?" Suga oppa asked and I hesitated.

I miss him but I'm afraid that I'll regret my decision. Sinhae pleased me as well as the other BTS boys so I just nodded. I hope it will be fine. The bell rang and I headed to my last class. The class with Jungkook. I just sighed and sat in my usual seat. The seat next to me felt so empty and it made me empty. I just put my head on the table and felt tears rolling down my cheeks. The teacher walked in and I wiped my tears away and started our lesson. After school ended, BTS, Sinhae, and I walked to the hospital to meet Jungkook. I felt so nervous that my hands were shaking and my heart started beating faster. Sinhae noticed me and hold my hand in comfort. We arrived and went to his room. I took a deep breath before opening it. I never realized that opening the door, no coming here was a big mistake. When I opened the door, I saw something I didn't even think of, Suhyun kissing Jungkook. And what broke me into pieces was that Jungkook was kissing her back. They parted and looked at me and I could clearly see Suhyun smirking. The boys and Sinhae was also shocked that none of them spoke. My tears were rolling down my face uncontrollably and blurred my vision.

"Mina I could explain" Jungkook yelled.

"You don't have to" I said as I ran out the room and ran to the rooftop.

My heart was broken into million pieces that can't be healed. I opened the door to the rooftop and closed it behind me. I went to the edge and sat down. I let my legs hang as I looked at the ground. If I move a step, I'll fall to the bottom and die.

"Will it be painful?" I asked myself.

I just wanted to die seeing Jungkook not remembering me and kissing Suhyun. I closed my eyes as the tears fall nonstop.

Jungkook's POV

Suhyun came to the hospital to visit me.

"Hey" she said as she walked in.

"Hey" I replied as I smiled.

I don't feel the same way I felt when I was with Mina.

"Can you remember me?" She asked.

'Does she know that I lost my memories?' I thought and I just nodded my head when she hugged me.

"I missed you Jungkook! You don't know how long I've wanted to see you" she said with her eyes watery.

"What to you mean?" I asked her.

"Mina came into our relationship and ruined it. She bullied me when you weren't around and when you were around she acted like I bullied her. Then your hyungs threatened me to not see you anymore or they will embarrass me in front of the whole school. So I had no other choice than to leave you. But you have to know that I always loved you" she said as a tear dropped from her face.

"My hyungs did that to you?" I asked and she nodded sadly while wiping her tear.

How could my hyungs do that?! She slowly leaned into me and kissed me. I kissed her back but why don't I feel anything? I don't feel happy or anything. When I was about to move away, the door opened revealing Mina, Sinhae, and the hyungs. We parted and looked at Mina. She was crying and I saw Suhyun smirking.

I yelled, "Mina I could explain!".

Mina just said, "you don't have to" and ran out the room.

I don't know what have gotten to me but I stood up to follow her when Suhyun grabbed my hand and said, "Don't go"

I just shook my arm and her hand slipped as I ran out of the room and saw her at the corner so I ran over there and saw the emergency steps. As I was running, memories with her came to my head. I remember everything now! How special she is and how she is my everything. I went upstairs that led me to the rooftop. I grabbed the door knob to open it but it was locked. I quickly broke the knob with my feet and opened the door to see Mina sitting on the edge.

My heart stopped a beat and I slowly called her name, "Mina.."

She turned around and I saw her face with tears.

'What have I done?' I thought.

I slowly approached her when she yelled, "if you come one more step, I'm going to jump!" She threatened and I immediately stopped.

"Listen to me Mina, please come down it's very dangerous up there." I said slowly.

Mina's POV

"Mina.." I heard Jungkook call my name.

I turned around to see Jungkook slowly walking up to me.

"if you come one more step, I'm going to jump!" I threatened him because I didn't want him to come and he stopped immediately.

He said, "listen to me Mina, please come down it's very dangerous up there" and he took a step forward.

That was it, he was a few steps away from me and I already warned him.

"Stay there and listen. Having you as my boyfriend was like a dream for me. I mean who would've ever thought that an ugly nerd like me could date a kingka like you! I never knew why you fell in love with me but you tried really hard to have my heart and you did. You are the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. Thank you for treating me like a princess. Bye Jungkook" I smiled weakly as I leaned my body forward to the ground.

He looked at me shocked before yelling, "no!"


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