Anything For You

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"No, Y/N. You can't come, you're sick. Stay here." Dean said sternly.

"I'm fine, Dea-" you tried to counter, but was cut off by a fit of coughs.

"My point exactly. You're staying here." Dean said gruffly before grabbing his duffle bag and walking out the door to the Impala waiting in the garage.

"Dean's right, Y/N." Sam said to you while putting a hand on your shoulder. "You're really sick, we don't want it to get worse. Get some rest."

"But, Sammyyy," your hoarse voice whined.

"Sorry, Y/N." Sam said while grabbing his laptop bag and heading towards the door. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call!"

"Dammit," You mumbled. "Oh well. Was worth a try..." You sighed while walking towards your room.

Might as well get some sleep.


When you woke up, you felt ten times worse than you did before.

"Ugh," you groaned sticking your hand out of your blanket to grab a tissue to blow your nose.

You were currently laid on your bed curled up in a cocoon of blankets trying to warm up your body. You were freezing, had a runny nose, a headache, and couldn't stop coughing. There were no doubts that you had a fever. You felt like you couldn't breathe or even think correctly.

"Hello, love. Thought I'd pop in to see how my kitten is."

You jumped and snapped your head to where the voice came from. When you saw its source, you groaned.

"Not now, Crowley. I'm not in the mood." You grumbled while pulling your covers up over your shoulders trying to warm up.

"Darling, are you alright? You don't sound too good..." Crowley said concerned while sitting on the edge of the bed where you were facing.

"I'm sick," you groaned. "I don't know what it is,"

Crowley put a hand on your forehead and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Your burning hot, kitten." Crowley observed. "Not that you aren't all the time," he smirked. "You have a fever."

"What are you Doctor Crowley now?" You sassed ignoring his attempt at flirting with you.

"Just trying to help, dove."

"If you wanna help, make yourself useful and get me some medicine and some tea. I'm freezing and I could use a hot drink." You said, somehow mustering up energy to open your eyes and crane your neck up at him.

"Of course, darling." He said and snapped his fingers.

Not even a second later, a cup of tea, a water bottle, and two pills sat on your bedside table. Crowley helped you sit up and handed you the pills and water bottle. You drank the medicine and hoped it helped make your symptoms go away.

"Thanks," you breathed as Crowley handed you the mug filled with hot tea. Your hands trembled and body shivered as you grabbed it and brought it up to your lips. You drank and felt the warm liquid travel down your throat and into your stomach. You closed your eyes as you drank and finished the tea. You handed Crowley the cup and wrapped yourself in another cocoon of blankets.

"Scoot over, love." Crowley commanded as he slid into your blanket cocoon and put an arm around you. You snuggled into his side and leaned your head on his shoulder.

You sighed happily finally warming up after what felt like ages of being cold. "Thank you, Crowley. For everything." You said softly as your eyes fluttered shut getting ready to fall asleep again.

"Anything for you, Y/N. Anything for you." Crowley murmured as he kissed your forehead.

"Hope you feel better, love."

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