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You slowly awoke from your dreamless slumber with the feeling of warm arms wrapped around your body. You stretched and yawned tiredly as the familiar arms pulled you back against a chest.

With a lazy smile on your face, you turned your head back to meet the eyes of your lover, the King of Hell.

"Hey," You voiced groggily, still exhausted from the events from the night before.

"Good morning, my love." His deep morning voice gave you shivers.

"Good morning, my king." You breathed.

"Sleep well?" He asked with his hot breath hitting your neck.

"I did," You answered with a little more energy. "Did you?"

He chuckled. "I don't sleep, you know that."

"Right," you breathed a laugh.

"Still can't think straight because of last night's events?" He asked a little cockily.

"Mmm...maybe." You hummed, closing your eyes peacefully.

The room stayed silent for a bit and Crowley unwrapped one of his arms from around your waist to trace your bare tattoo-covered shoulder like he had so many times before. His fingers ghosted over the lines and he buried his face into the crook of your neck, pressing lazy kisses to the area where your neck and shoulder blade met. You sighed contently, enjoying the sensations he was giving you.

"I love your tattoos. They make you look badass." He mumbled against your skin.

His fingers continued to trace the designs inked on your body.

"What does this one mean again?" He asked, circling his thumb over a small design in the shape of a diamond.

You sighed and explained the meaning. "It's a diamond; the hardest mineral known to man. It's stronger than and can scratch any other mineral. I got that one when I was 18 because I wanted to become the strongest person I knew. I wanted to be the best." You chuckled a little bit. "Now that I think about it, it sounds kinda stupid...but oh well."

"It suits you." Crowley murmured. "I think you achieved your goal."

You turned your head back again, causing Crowley to pull back from your neck. "Thanks, Crowley." You said, capturing his lips in a short kiss, before turning back around.

Crowley's hand then roamed up and down your side, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin.

"What does this one mean?" He asked again.

"Oh, I just got that one because I thought it looked cool." You laughed.

He chuckled, trailing his hand back up to your shoulder and pulling you back so you laid flat. He propped his elbow up so that he was hovering above you.

"So remind me, what does this one mean again?" He asked teasingly, pointing to your anti possession tattoo that was right under your left collar bone.

You rolled your eyes, fighting the smile that was trying to appear on your face. "It's an anti possession symbol, dumbass."

"Oh, well I'm sorry to say, but that tattoo is unnecessary, darling." Crowley mused with a smirk appearing on his face.

You scoffed. "And why is that?"

"The only demon that is going to enter your body is me." He answered with pride.

You sighed, amused at his answer. "Lines like that will get you nowhere, my king." You reached up to cup his cheek.

His smirk widened into a smile as he lowered his face down to yours. "They've gotten me this far, haven't they?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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