Chapter 1 ; Sing It For The Dead

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"Toxic I don't think I can walk anymore.." sighed Diamond her mask falling off her face slightly, "I can't do this any longer..."

"No. We're almost at Dr. D's place, you can make it. You have to." grimaced Toxic as she supported her friend's weight, blowing some of her green and dull brown away from her face.

Toxic don't make this harder for yourself, you know I don't have long left." 

Ignoring her friend Toxic kept going, "We're almost there Diamond, just hold on..."

Toxic tried to walk faster, as she dragged Diamond across the barren ground. She sighed, remembering all the friends she's lost over these long months. Everybody was gone- Party Poison, Kobra Kid, Fun Ghoul, Jet Star - they were all dead and gone now. A wave of anger rushed through her, and she walked even faster. They would never get Diamond, ever.

Toxic knew her side was losing. But she just couldn't give up yet. "Diamond I'm going to get you to Dr. Death Defying even if I die trying," she whispered softly, " I can't lose anyone else."

Silence was the response as Toxic ran across the desert...

Soon Dr. D's headquarters appeared over the horizon, filling Toxic with hope. Diamond was getting weaker each second spent without treatment, at this point there was little hope left for her survival...

Finally she reached the door and knocked roughly on it. A young girl with black hair and brown eyes opened the door and looked at the scene then yelled inside the small shack.

"Dr. D we have 2 killjoys here needing med care!"

From inside the shack came a reply that Toxic could not hear but the strange girl could and she ushered them inside, helping Toxic carry Diamond to a couch as Dr. D wheeled into the room.

"What happened to her?" he asked as he examined the injury. 

"We were running from the Dracs and she got shot..." replied Toxic quietly. "Will she live?"

"Her chances aren't the best, but there is a slight chance she will. She has lost quite a lot of blood..." replied Dr. D. He looked at Toxic, concern showing in his features. Then he sighed and started treating Diamond's wound.

"I still can't believe you're doing this for us. If you were found out you could be in serious danger."

"It's the least I can do for all of you, I try to give you hope, even when it feels like none is there. Anyway if someone's half dead it's not exactly moral to not save them." He felt for Diamond's pulse and nodded to himself. Toxic walked around the room, anxious.

"You're Toxic Torrent aren't you?" the girl who piped up. Toxic frowned slightly and nodded. "Wow, you were really involved with the attack on Battery City..." the girl trailed off before she perked up. "Wait, you we're a member of the Fabulous Killjoys right? You got to spend a lot of time with them then..."

Her question was followed by a long silence before Toxic replied. "Yea, I actually knew them before BL/ind took over..."

"What! Seriously?!?" The girl exclaimed excitedly.

Toxic smiled lightly, " Ya, they were my best friends, Diamond too. I wish I could see them again..."

The girl looked down at her hands solemnly. "I-I'm sorry. I forgot that they got dusted on the rescue mission..."

"Missile Kid was smart, I hear that she's still alive out there killing Dracs and helping take back the zones piece by piece. I hope that I can find her again..." Toxic said, sighing after the statement.

"She's important to you then?" Asked the girl. She kept reopening wounds that Toxic kept closed for a good reason.

"What's your name Killjoy?" Asked Toxic, her hair covering an electric blue mask, which was in the same shape as Party Poison's.

"Carbon Angel."

"Look, Carbon Angel, I appreciate your curiosity but you can't just ask these kind of questions if you want to survive out here." Toxic stated in a dark voice, effectively scaring the poor girl. 'She can't be much older than 17...' Toxic thought. She sighed once more.

"Even though I shouldn't be replying to your question I will anyway," Carbon Angel perked up slightly, "but only because I'm feeling generous, so don't think storytelling like this could become a regular thing. I don't even think I'll stay that long after Diamond is fixed up."

Carbon Angel nodded and Toxic started to answer the question.

"Missile Kid meant the world to myself and Party. She was the ray of light in the dark to all of us, so of course when we went to rescue her I was on the main team. I watched them all die one by one, I managed to escape with Kid, I watched Jet Star die in order to save Missile Kid and myself... When we got into the backup van I started crying hugging Missile Kid and we basically stayed together crying for a few days...."

"Oh my god.." muttered Carbon Angel to herself.

"Toxic, is that you?" A groggy voice suddenly asked causing me to tense up. The two females looked over at Dr. Death Defying and Diamond Tears and saw that she was regaining partial consciousness.

Toxic quickly ran over to her friend and hugged her, tight. "Diamond, I am, you're going to getting better and then we'll go on our mission, okay??"

"Toxic, I'm scared, what's happening to me?" Diamond asked, obviously distressed. Toxic teared up slightly.

"Toxic, I can see them.. They're waiting for me..." murmured Diamond.

"Diamond come on, stay with me!" cried Toxic, tears now freely falling down her face. She quickly turned around and yelled at Dr. Death Defying, "Can't you help her?!? She can't die now!"

Dr. Death simply shook his head and Toxic continued her break down.

"Toxic... "

"Yes Diamond?" Ask Toxic as she wiped away some of her tears. Diamond gestured for her to come closer the whispered something into into her ear. When Diamond finished whispering to Toxic she lay back down and breathed her last breath.

Toxic solemnly got up and grabbed her bag, her own gun, and Diamond's gun.

"I've got to go, more business to attend to." she muttered as she left Dr. D's hq and into the star-lit waste land.

"Wait!" cried a female voice from behind Toxic Torrent.

"I want to go with you Toxic Torrent." Proclaimed Carbon. She had on an old biker helmet that was spray painted dark pink.

Toxic simply shook her head to the girl's request. "You can't."

"Why not? I can handle myself!"

"It's not that Carbon. I've lost too much and I don't want to be responsible for your death as well."

With those last words Toxic walked away, putting on her backpack and holding both guns into the night.

A/N I won't update the next chapter until I have at least 2 votes, due to the fact that I want to make sure this book is well received before I write more.

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