Will you come to tryouts?

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Liam hurried to catch up to Luke. He was nearing the library. It's where he always went during his free period.

"Luke." Liam called. Luke whirled around quickly just as Liam jogged over.

Luke grabbed Liam by his shirt collar and dragged him into the library quickly.

"What do you you want?" Luke hissed in a whisper.

"What's with all the secrecy?" Liam asked straightening his shirt out.

"You yelled my name in the hallway." Luke snapped.


"So, I'm trying to hide from a group of girls. You almost gave me away." Luke snapped again.

"Oh, sorry."

"What do you want anyway?" Luke asked harshly.

"Oh wait, I know what you want. I told you Liam I'm not-"

"I'm asking you to join the team." Liam cut him off.

"Oh, then why are you here?" Luke asked confused.

"I get that you aren't interested in playing. but you obviously like watching and so I was wondering if you'd come to tryouts later and help me draft. I'm awful at drafting. Plus you can hang out in the field where the girls can't reach you." Liam looked hopeful.

"Is this some sneaky way to get me to join the team?" Luke asked raising a brow.

"No, I promise. I just want you there." Liam gave a small smile. Luke shifted.

"I'll think about it." Luke answered.

"Great, so Zack is gonna kill me for not being at the gym-"

"Right, you should go." Luke nodded cutting Liam off.

"I was actually gonna ask if I could hang out here with you. I know Michael has to help Mrs. Hall this period. I thought maybe we could talk. Get to know each other a little better."

"I usually do my homework this period." Luke shrugged.

"Great, we can do it together. Since neither of us will have time after school." Liam gave Luke a smile that made Luke decide not to say anything. Instead Luke lead Liam to the spot which he always occupied. It was a small desk at the back corner that overlooked the outer courtyard that sat in the middle of the school.

"Wow, I didn't even know you could see the courtyard from the library." Liam said in surprise when he sat down across from Luke.

"I'd wager you don't come here often." Luke spoke looking at Liam.

Liam's eyes shifted from the view to Luke's bright blue eyes.

"Maybe I should change that." Liam smiled slightly.

"You can also see the courtyard from the math room." Luke pointed out.

"Yeah, but I don't have math class with you." Liam spoke without looking up from the English book in front of him.

Luke frowned but said nothing.

"So we have to read and answer all fifteen of these questions." Liam said pointing to the book.

"I never read. Just read the questions and skim for keywords. These things are usually so boring." Luke shrugged.

"I'm sorry but is Luke Hemmings suggesting that I don't read my homework?" Liam asked appalled.

"You seem surprised." Luke frowned.

"I just thought you were this perfect student." Liam shrugged.

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