Chapter 3; The time I thought that I was gay.

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One day when I was 13 years old, I had a sleepover with two of my old friends. They were both boys. Their names were Bryan, and Charles. Bryan had bring over some tobacco and paper to roll the tobacco up in. We had smoked like 7 or 8 of them.

Then Bryan said since we are high, we should try out gay sex. Then Bryan said that it does not mean that we are gay. So I went with it. At first I was thinking,"What in the hell am I about to do!" As we had got started having sex, it started of with Bryan and Charles. Then it was me and Bryan.

It was fun and felt somewhat good, but then I asked my self, " What the hell? Did I just say that it felt some what good? That is when I started thinking that I was gay.

* Two years later*

I had woke up one morning, I got dressed and went to school. On the way to school, one of my other old friend that is now my enemy was about to get in a fight with one of my most biggest enemy. I tried to stop the fight from happen but I was thinking, " You can't get in a fight because you have a knife in your pocket. So I took it out and tried to stop the fight but my biggest enemy went to school saying that I tried to stab him so I got expelled and he got two day suspension from school.

It's now been two days since I have been expelled. I had went to my old friend Bryan's house because his brother grows weed. So Bryan got some of his brothers weed and we had smoked some. I started to get very horny and hungry so I went home. When I got home and went and seen I had seen a four pages story.

It was my coming out story that I had wrote when I was high. I saw it and I started to remember that I wrote it when I thought that I was gay, but I am not gay. I love girls to much. If I was gay my family world kill me.

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