What Where Those Things? They Where Demented!

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   Look, I rarely do the hole POV thing but I will make an exception every once in a while, just cause. Don't worry I will tell you whose POV it is and give you some warning.

Percy's POV

I loved Capture The Flag, it is one of my favorite games. I was to old to play now, but Chiron Said that camp counselors could help plan and supervise. I knew all the rules, so the games we couldn't play Annabeth and I, mostly Annabeth, drew up the game plan. So I knew it had been 30 minutes since the game started and the scouts where relived. No one had seen Alison since she left. Annabeth came over and I told her, "I have a bad feeling about this game. Alison would have been back by now. You know her Annabeth, she is always is on time. I don't know why, but I have a strong urge to look for her."

   "I've never seen you this worried about a game. Calm down. If she doesn't show up in 5 minutes then you can go after her," she looked worried about me. I felt ridicules, I knew I was over reacting, but something still urged me to go and find her. 

   5 minutes had passed, so I went into the woods and searched the part of the woods he was supposed to look. I passed into a clearing and saw a horrific sight. Alison was slowly trending to a black hooded figure. She looked drawn to the figure. I heard a feeble, "help." Anger boiled into my veins and I charged. I ran full speed to my precious girl. About 12 feel away from her it seemed that I was pushed back like a monster trying to reach camp. I couldn't pass the solid air. 

"Help anyone, help," I felt as helpless as she looked. Annabeth was soon at my side with some of the other campers. The looked as horrified as I was. Soon even more of the campers turned up with Chiron. Chiron gave a gasp and the campers where yelling at her to stop and come back but with in moments she was inches away from the hooded icy eyes. With in another second she was lifted into the air by the neck and something was being sucked from her being. At the same tine the wall of air went down and I ran to her now unconscious form. The keep was coming in closer and I waved my torch at it. Bingo, it seemed to be afraid of the light!

   "Apollo's kids come here and imitate the sun light in to that thing," I barked. 8 of the kids had come up to help and imitated beams of light at the figure. Just as the creature was almost to her skin, he dripped Alison on to the ground and retreated into the darkness. I hurriedly went to Alison and tried to pick her up. Chiron put a hand on my shoulder, "I've got her," the horse man whispered into my ear. I nodded and he galloped to the big house.

Annabeth's POV     

  I was alert  at blue camp when I herd Percy's scream. I ran into the woods as fast as I could. He was rite, she was in trouble. He wouldn't scream like that for any reason. He was rite, she was in trouble and I just brushed him off. I was so stupid. He has a great gut feeling, I knew that and I knew I should have listened to him. I thought I was prepared for the worst. Oh how I was mistaken. A tall floating man had grabbed her by the neck. I stood there, dumbfounded. All I was doing was crying .This was a monster I didn't want to fight. I saw Percy attack the creature and it dropped Alison.  Almost 7 feet and zoned out, that had got to hurt. My poor camper being SO innocent. She was only going on 11. Chiron scooped the body effortlessly and put her on his back. Chiron went to what was probably the big house so he could treat and look after her. At that point my knees went rubbery and I started to sob. 

Sorry for the short entry. Will be bigger next time with some Hogwarts action coming. Don't forget to continue reading and commenting. Next will only be Alison's POV. Thanks, 176151zc  

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