Chapter Seven

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          "Alice! Wake up." A voice yells at me.

          "Alice! Wake up, you are going to be late." Another voice yells along with him.

          Oh no, not again. Why does this happen to me every freaking morning? Wait, did I just hear the word 'late'? How am I late I don't have work, unless I forgot to tell them that again?

          "Alice, wake up!"

          "Alice, breakfast is ready."

          I hate when my siblings try to wake me up in the morning. This is why I lock the doors before sleeping but, for some reason, I forgot to do it last night.

          "Nicholas Collins and Mary Joyce Collins, stop it. I am trying to sleep." I groan while I cover my ears with a pillow.

          "You have work to do, right? Stop lying to us." Mary says.

          "It's my day-off today, Mary. Now, get out. I'm trying to sleep."

          As soon as I say that, there are loud squeaks from the bed and sudden weight on it then I literally feel bouncing on the bed and hear laughter from my siblings. I feel the blanket and pillows taken away from me and chills are all over my body because it is still winter.

          "Yeah, right. You always have work every day so stop lying to us." Nico said, still bouncing on the bed. Okay, what is up with people telling me that I am a bad liar?

          "I don't have work every day, Nico. There are times that I don't have work."

          "Just get up already!" My siblings yell in unison.

          Someone help me! Please make it stop. As I am begging for peace and for the banter to stop, there is a stern voice that I always want to hear in the morning; it is from my mom.

          "Nico and Mary, stop disturbing your sister and go down for breakfast. Let her get up on her own."

          "Coming, mom!" My siblings yell and leave the room then I sigh in relief, thinking that they are finally gone.

          Shortly after, I decide to get up since I can't sleep any longer. Gee, thanks Nico and Mary. But I have to thank my mom for stopping them from making me deaf in the morning. I climb out of my bed and brush my hair with my fingers, not wanting to look like a zombie in the morning. Half-asleep, I leave my room and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

          "Good morning, Alice." My mom greets me with a smile on her face.

          "Morning, mom."

          "Are you still sleepy?"

          "Yeah. But I have to thank you for stopping them from making me deaf." I glare at my siblings but they smile at me in return.

          "You're welcome, my dear."

          I sit beside Mary as mom serve today's breakfast; today's breakfast is bacon and scrambled eggs with fresh toast and orange juice on the side. I feel my mouth watering as the aroma of the food wafting in the air. I couldn't take the temptation anymore so I start munching down on my food.

          After devouring the food, I place my food in the sink but then, the sound of something shattering echoes throughout the kitchen. I focus on where the sound came from it was a broken drinking glass on the floor and Nico is standing in front of it.

          "Nico, what happened?" I worriedly ask.

          "I don't know. I was bringing my plate to the sink but the glass rolled and fell to the floor."

          "Nico and Mary, don't move. You might hurt yourselves. I need to clean that-"

          "No, Alice. I'll do it." My mom says, cutting me off.

          "Are you sure, mom?"

          "Yes, I am sure."

          "Oh ok. If you say so."

          I walk around the glass, being careful not to step on the shards. I look back to the shattered glass then chills travel on my spine as I stare at it for a few seconds. For some reason, I am scared when I look at it. I decide to go back to my room and just read some books to kill time.

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