Chapter Three

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Luna Lovegood had informed Harry just one year ago that the carriages were pulled by thestrals, beings that could only be seen by someone who has witnessed death and accepted the death. Harry had had to help Hermione mount one of those creatures when they were going to the Ministry of Magic to find Sirius. Now, she was able to see these beasts just fine. She walked over to a carriage that she knew was empty and, before getting in, walked to the front to stare in wonder at the animals. Their bat-like wings were tucked in at their sides. The one closest to her turned it's reptiallian face to look at her. It took in a deep breath before exhaling, letting out a high-pitched noise as it did. Hermione felt the urge to smile as she realized that this must have been the thestral that she had ridden on just a matter of months ago. Slowly, she stretched her hand out and smiled as the creature pushed her hand with it's nose. Hermione let out a soft laugh as she started to stroke the thestral.

Draco watched his friends walk towards one of the carriages. They bumped into Hermione, laughing as they continued walking, but he watched Hermione just glare at them before going back to petting whatever it was that it looked like she was petting. Draco could not see the thestrals. He, like the rest of the students, believed that the carriages were magically drawn. But, even from where he was standing, he could tell that Hermione was able to see something else. He watched as students continued to walk past. They stared at her as they watched he stroke an invisable creature. Finally, he watched her kiss whatever it was that she saw and get in the carriage. What was going on? What was he missing? Slowly, Draco made his way to her carriage. He knew that they others were waiting for him to meet them in their carriage but there was nowhere else that he would rather be than sitting across from the girl of his dreams, literally.

"Care if I...Oh, it's you," Draco sneered as he climbed into the carriage. He had to keep her from knowing his true intentions. He had to keep her from knowing that he had been watching her from afar.

"It wouldn't matter if I said yes anyway so feel free to join me. Just leave me alone," Hermione whispered as she turned her attention out the window.

"Not that I even care but what were you doing out there?" Draco asked as Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnigan joined their carriage. He rolled his eyes. He should have known that opting out of being with his regular group would probably force him to sit with some of the people that he disliked the most. Longbottom and Finnigan were only two of those people. How many more were going to enter their carriage?

"Hermione! I saw it nudge you!" Neville said, a smile on his face. Maybe he was just trying to keep things light because Draco had no idea what he was talking about. He didn't see anything nudge her. It was his turn to look out the tiny window in the carriage, pretending that he wasn't listening to the conversation that they were all bound to have now.

"Yeah. It's the same one I rode a few months ago," Hermione said, keeping her voice distant. Draco flicked his eyes to look at the girl. She was so withdrawn now. She was nothing like the girl that he remembered for the past number of years. Something must have been wrong because he had a feeling that picking on her this year would not be in his best interest. He had seen what some of the most depressed witches and wizards were capable of. His Aunt Bellatrix would say that she had a great life and that she was quite happy but even he could see how depressed she was, though she was much happier since her escape from Azkaban, and she was one powerful witch.

"How can you be sure? They didn't have different markings or anything like that to distinguish each one...did they?" Neville asked.

"The way that it reacted when it caught my scent," she said, a soft smile crossing her lips. Draco was sure that it was the first one that she had on her face all day besides maybe the one that she faked while saying goodbye to the Weasley's.

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