Chapter Thirty-Three

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Draco ran. He ran as fast and as hard as he could. He had never run this fast before. Everything around him was moving past in a blur. His blood was pumping. His heart was racing. The Dark Mark was hanging in the air. He had no idea, when making the plans, how all of this was going to go. He had no idea that he was actually going to need Snape to help him. He didn't know how hard it was going to be to kill a man. He could never have comprehended that a man like Albus Dumbledore would be able to see through him and know that he didn't actually have it in him to mutter that specific curse.

So, when the time came, he ran. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him. He had no idea where to go. He needed to meet up with his aunt but it wasn't time yet. He had specified in all of his letters and lists when and where everyone was supposed to meet. He stopped running and stood behind a pillar. He quickly took out his pocket watch and saw that he still had over thirty minutes to wait through before everyone would be meeting by the entrance to Honeydukes.

There was only one place he could think of going.

Hermione heard the yelling outside in the hallways. Ron was standing by her side. Harry was nowhere in sight. Without thinking, she grabbed Ron's hand and led them to the corridor. This was just like that dream she had a few months back. She felt her insides freeze as the realization clicked. As Ron continuously asked where they were going and what they were doing, Hermione continued to drag him down more corridors. Her heart was racing. Her breathing was ragged. This was not supposed to be happening! This was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! This was one of the safest places in the world!

Quite a few times, Ron had to pull them into a room to hide as Death Eaters ran amuck near them. He looked at Hermione but she only shook her head. She hadn't spoken since the yelling began. She didn't know how to tell him that she knew what had happened. She could feel it in her bones. Draco Malfoy, her Romeo, had worked out how to get all of these Death Eaters on the grounds. The Dark Mark was going to be hanging above the Astronomy Tower and someone important was going to be dead. The only thing was that Hermione had absolutely no idea who was dead.

Hermione and Ron didn't have a chance to fully make it to the Astronomy Tower. Harry was running towards them. His cheeks were tearstained.

"What have I done? What have I done?" Draco kept pacing. He was staring at the vanishing cabinet. No more Death Eaters would be coming through there. The only ones who would have use for that box were the ones who got left behind. He didn't know how he was supposed to feel. He was sure it wasn't supposed to feel this horrible. Was his family name truly worth saving if he, a sixteen year old boy, had to murder someone?

But he hadn't murdered anyone! There it was! There was the escape to help him rid himself of some guilt. He did not curse Dumbledore! The Killing curse had never been uttered by Draco's lips! Everything was going to be okay. No one besides those involved knew that he was the mastermind!

"I swear to Christ that I am going to kill you, Malfoy!" Hermione screamed. Tears soaked her cheeks as she thundered into the Room of Requirements. Ron was close behind her. Harry had had other things to work out.

Of course, there was still Hermione...

Draco ran as quietly as he could away from her. This room was meant to hide whatever it was that needed hiding. She wouldn't find him. The farther into the room she and Ron came, the father away from her he ran. He could see his escape. He needed to leave to meet his aunt anyway.

"Hermione, he's not in here," Ron finally said. Draco felt his blood begin to boil. Of course he was with her. Of course he was.

"He's in here. There's nowhere else he would be right now! He probably won't be meeting up with everyone to leave for another..." She stopped when her eyes landed on the box. She had had so many nightmares this year. She had woken up terrified so many times. Her friends had to wake her up from some of these dreams. There was one that she would never forget.

"Olly olly oxen free!" she yelled. She had told him months ago what that meant. She kept her eyes open and her wand raised. "IMMOBULUS!" Draco froze. Ron looked stunned. Hermione smiled. It was a sick and twisted smile that Ron had never seen before. He had never seen her look as murderous as she did right then. And, truth be told, he was a little frightened by her anger. He didn't know what she was capable of.

"I will always find you, remember?" she spat. Her anger fueled her as she stood in front of him. His eyes locked onto hers. He wasn't afraid of her. He deserved whatever she had planned for him.

"Let him go," Ron said sadly. He couldn't watch Hermione spiral downwards.

"I will. I won't hurt him. He's not worth it," she replied. Her voice was dripping with venom. She didn't need to physically hurt Draco. She was doing just fine hurting him on an emotional level. "Do you see that there?" She pointed to the box and then laughed a hard, cynical laugh. "Of course not! Ron, please help me turn him to look at his stupid box."

Ron did as he was told. Even he was afraid of her right now and her anger wasn't even directed towards him. Hermione didn't utter a word. She just raised her wand and the box burst into flames. Ron watched Draco's eyes widen. Hermione just smirked.

"I placed a containment charm on it. The fire will not spread. But your box will be nothing but ashes!" She flicked her wand and Draco dropped to the ground. For only be seventeen, she was the best in her class at casting spells without saying the words out loud.

She was kneeling over Draco now. Ron wouldn't be able to hear her words or read get lips. "I loved you, do you know that?" Draco felt pinpricks at the back of his eyes. "Now, I feel sick just looking at you." She stood back up and, while shaking her head, walked out of the room with Ron, away from Draco.

"There you are!" Bellatrix exclaimed as Draco ran down the tunnel towards them. He had to leave. He had to get away from this place. He had to get away from her. He looked around and was quite pleased to see that someone, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, and someone his aunt knew, had remembered to grab all of their stuff. "We thought you were going to miss our grand escape!"

"Never," he said before leading the way out of the tunnel and into Honeydukes.

Draco Malfoy's heart had never felt so broken.

Hermione Granger had never known true betrayl until that night.

Hogwarts' Star-Crossed Lovers were no more.

[[A/N: I'm sorry this one took longer to finish. I wanted this chapter to be perfect! I also had a final paper to write and take a final. I also had to be there for a friend who is in the middle of getting his heart crushed. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I loved writing it! 2 more chapters and then this will be all over :( it makes me both happy and sad. Please vote and comment and spread this story around! I love you all!]]

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