Chapter Three: An Encounter To Remember

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Chapter Three: An Encounter To Remember

Violet's POV

My heart was beating so fast, I thought it'll come out. This happened way too fast. All too fast. I was just walking and now I'm on the ground crying. 

The mystery man who saved me brought out a knife. "Just what the f*ck do you think you're doing, you b*stard?" he said. A shiver ran down my spine. His voice was so...creepy. It sounded like a complete madman. Like as if he hadn't drunk water in weeks. He then plunged the knife in the man's stomach as he let out this satanic laugh. It was so insane. He repeatedly stabbed the man as he whispered words. "Go," Stab ," To," Stab ,"Sleep!" Stab. 

The man then fell to the ground with a harsh thud. The one who saved me looked down at the man. Suddenly, his head shot up, bringing his attention to me. I let out a whimper, scared he might kill me. He knelt down in front me with one knee bent. He shoved his now bloody knife into his hoodie pocket. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you," he said in what seemed to be a soft voice. 

I apparently found my voice. I decided to take a chance and let out my question I desired to ask. "W-who are y-you?" I asked in a stuttering whisper. "I'll tell you everything later. For now, just let me carry you to your home," he said, already stretching his arms. I had no choice but to listen to him. What was I gonna do, just sit here all night long? I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms went under my legs, carrying me bridal style. I still noted the fact that I haven't even seen his face yet. I dug my face into his chest, closing my eyes from all the sudden change of events.

I hung my arms tightly around his neck for dear life. What will Gerard think about this? He's probably so worried right now. He might even be look-wait! A question popped in my mind. How will he take me home? He doesn't even know where it is. My eyes shot open. I looked around and we were already in my dorm! How'd he know where I live? I suddenly began to get scared. The man set me on the sofa. Then he was turned on the lights. But his back was facing me. He was already leaving for the door. "Wait! You said you'll explain!" I nearly shouted.

He came to an adrupt halt. It seemed as if he were nervous. Without thinking about it, I just blurted out,"Can I see your face?" He let out a heavy sigh and slowly turned out. 

And when I saw his face, my heart dropped and I let out a sharp scream.

He had this pure white face. He had a huge smile carved in it and these...these eyes with no eyelids. He   couldn't be born like that. It's just impossible! But the black rims surrounding his eyes told me he might've burned them off. The smile was the most terrifying part. It spread from one earlobe to the other and showed off his gums and his white teeth. I didn't even notice the black hair that covered most of his forehead. I just had one question.


Why would he do this to himself? Is it because of something that happened in his life? I was even just about to ask that. I opened my mouth to ask when he suddenly said without any warning, and as if he could read my mind,"If it's about my face, don't ask. I'll explain that to you later."

All of a sudden, a pounding on the door startled us both. Smile Guy, I decided to call him that, whipped his head towards the door. "Violet? Are you okay?!" 

It was Gerard. He had worry and nervousness in his voice. He must've heard my scream and thought I was in danger. How nice of him, I thought in my mind. "F*ck," Smile Guy said in an angry tone. He quickly scrambled towards the nearest closet door I had. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. What will Gerard think? Will he hate me? 

I twisted the cold doorknob that gave me goosebumps on my arm. I then opened it. 

"Hi Gerard."

(A/N: I was gonna make it to where Violet kept Jeff as a secret, but I figured that might look like Violet was cheating on Gerard, and I didn't want to make her seem like that. So I just brought Gerard in this chapter!)

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