Chapter Ten

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Kirelle's house was beautiful. It was a small single-floor with three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bath, and a living room, but it was immaculately clean and beautifully decorated in browns and creams and blues.

"My parents are still with the lawyer," she said when she opened the door. "Come inside."

Caleb followed her in and kicked off his shoes by the doormat, following Kirelle into the living room. She muted the TV and sat down on the couch. Caleb plopped down beside her.

"What happened?" she asked.

"You know how I was saving that money?" Caleb said. Kirelle's expression twisted into one of shock.

"They didn't," she whispered.

"To pay for a fucking play," he said. "Since I cause so much trouble it was the least I could do, Mom said."

"Oh my god," Kirelle whispered. "Caleb, I'm so sorry. Did they take all of it?"

"All of it. Every dollar. All that was left was the change jar on my desk." He paused. "Shit, I have to call Elijah. We were supposed to go out tonight."

Kirelle stood. "Okay. Take your time. I'm going to text my dad and see what's up so far. I'll be in the kitchen. Give you some privacy."

"Thank you," he said. She left the room and he pulled out his phone.

Elijah answered after just one ring.

"Hey," he said. A pause. "Is everything okay?"

"What?" He hadn't even said anything yet.

"I mean, usually you text me. I don't think you've ever called me before."

"Oh," Caleb whispered. "Yeah. I, um, I'm not going to be able to make it to the movies tonight."

"Are you all right?" Elijah's voice was tight even as he tried to keep it level and calm.

"My parents took all of my money. The money I was saving to get out of here one day. It's all gone, to pay for some stupid play. Because I owe it to them or something, because I exist in their presence."

"Shit," Elijah whispered. "Okay. Um. Well, don't worry about our date, if you can't make it out I understand. But are you safe? Are you going to be okay?"

"I'm at Kirelle's," he said. "So, yeah. For now."

"I know it's rude to invite myself, but is it okay with her if I come over?" He paused. "I mean, if you want me to?"

Caleb did want him to. Kirelle was amazing, but he needed all the support he could get right now. "Let me ask her," he said. He stood and made his way to the kitchen, where Kirelle was sitting at the small table, texting wildly.

"Hey, Kirelle?" he asked. She looked up at his timid voice. He was curled in on himself, shoulders hunched forward.

Her face softened, sympathetic, and she said gently, "Yeah?"

"Is... is it okay if Elijah comes over, too?"

"That should be fine," she said. "Just try to keep it toned down while my parents are here. They won't care that you're with a guy, they just don't like public displays of affection."

Caleb nodded and went back to his phone. "Yeah. You can come over."

Caleb gave him the bus route information and the address, and shortly after, they hung up.

"So," Kirelle said, "I've been in touch with my dad, and it's looking good. Since my parents are willing to take you in if you get emancipated, you'll have better luck, since you won't be homeless and jobless. We're going to write up a contract that basically says you can stay here with room and board in exchange for working around the house and running errands and stuff. It's more for formality than anything, so you look like you can take care of yourself and your own needs. My dad's also going to see if he can get you a busboy job or something at the restaurant he manages."

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