Alone Together-Chapter 40

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_Harry’s POV_

I really hope I don’t suck at tonight show, I’ve been so caught up in May and I’s break up that I haven’t even focused at practice. The boys are excited to be playing again after so long but I’m not, because I’m not fully happy or put together. I’m broken and lonely. So what do I do when I’m broken and lonely? I write songs, hope I don’t cry while singing this one tonight.

_May’s POV_

“Kayla! Turn your music down, I can’t even hear myself think!” I yell into the other room, she’s blasting Ayy Ladies so loud I can’t even think about what I’m going to wear. I look in the mirror at myself in a bra and matching underwear, the music filling my ears I dance around my room looking through my closet.

After a few seconds of twerking and dancing so stupid I’m ashamed I even saw it, I finally pick out on outfit. A black simple dress but a high-wasted sheer skirt with black stripes across it, a slit all the way up to my thighs, to show off my legs. Along with my black heels of course, I dry my hair and straighten it to perfection. I could already tell today was going to be a good hair day. After dancing a little more to Kayla’s ridiculous rap music, I finish my makeup and slip on my shoes. I let my hair slow down my shoulders, my makeup was on the light side, complete with nude lipstick.

I grab my phone slipping it into my bra, walking into Kayla’s room the music gets unbelievably loud. Her doors open she’s sitting on the edge of her bed slipping her pumps on. I guess we both really dressed up tonight.  She looks amazing, her blonde hair was curled, her dark shadowy makeup and red lipstick matching perfectly to her red long sleeve flowey shirt and black skirt coming to mid –thigh, her red pumps snapping the picture, making it perfect.

I grin as she turns the music down, “Ready?”

She smirks, “Ready.”

As we pull up I realize that fans still know who we are, even if they know I broke up Harry, they still scream and run up to me, like I was one of them. It was definitely odd.

“Well that was interesting.” Kayla says as we walk into the arena away from one crowd of girls, and into another one. This time they don’t notice much, a few girls who get close to us realize it’s us but mostly girls are too busy running around in one direction T-shirts and giggling.

As we take our seats, we realize that Liam put us directly in the front three rows back. Plus the two seats next to us on each side where reserved for us, as if we needed as if we needed a safety bubble. I guess Liam forgot that if even one girl popped off to me I could knock her out, they all forget what I do sometimes, along with Kayla.

The lights suddenly flicker off, smoke forming on the stage, screams erupting everywhere. I feel my chest vibrating from the loud thumping of the beginning of What Makes You Beautiful. The lights flash on the stage the boys are all lined up in a row, I have to blink a few times so my eyes can adjust.

Liam starts the song off, walking to the center of the stage as the rest of the boys disperse around him. Zayn and Niall are laughing an fooling around while Louis waving at some fans, and Harry…he’s just standing there. One hand in his pocket, the other holding his microphone, no smile. Completely emotionless. Was that because of me?

As I’m studying him when he sings with a forced smile on his face, I feel a tap on my shoulder from behind. I peel my eyes away from Harry and turn around to see…LUKE?

My eyes widen, resisting the urge to drop my jaw, why the hell was he here?

He grins, running a hand through his dark brown hair that seemed to match mine. “You stalking me May?”

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