How It All Began

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Yukiko's P.O.V.

I drew the bow across the strings, ending the song in one long, sweet note. I stood slowly, relishing in the clapping that the club members, my friends, gave me. I set my violin on the chair I had been using, and walked across the room, a broad grin on my face.

"Good job! I really think that your playing will add such a nice tone to the club, I cannot thank you enough for offering your time and skills," Tamaki says, trying to act all smooth, using his host skills.

I pull away from him shaking my head and laughing.

"It's no big deal, I love playing the violin, so this is really fun for me!" I tell him.

Suddenly the other club members are in front of me thanking me for offering to play at the club and for special events.

Hikaru and Kaoru appear in front of me, together as always.

"I know it's almost time to start for the day," Hikaru says. "But how about we play a quick game, The Which One is Hikaru Game!" Kaoru finishes.

They both have their hats on, hiding their hair part from me, not that it matters much, I can tell them apart by their personalities and their body language alone. Every day they ask me to play this game, and every day I can correctly guess who is who.

"I can't right now guys, I apologize, but I must go and retrieve Misaki so that she can listen to my first performance. You know how badly she wants to hear me play. Besides, we have to get back before the customers arrive. Well I'm off! I will be back soon!" I say.

"Make sure that you are back on time, you have to start playing before the customers arrive, the sound of you playing could attract more customers, meaning that we can all go on more trips together," Kyoya tells me.

"The trips we go on are always... Interesting to say the least," I laugh, remembering our last trip to America. Good times, good times.

I wave goodbye and walk out of the club room, heading towards library #4 to pick up Misaki.

When I get there I see a boy, out of uniform, with glasses on, looking into the library and sighing. I approach him and tap him on the shoulder. When he turns around I see that 'he' is in fact a 'she'. Her face is really feminine, so it is quite obvious that she's a girl from the front, except she's lacking quite a bit in the chest area, just like I am.

"Are you lost?" I ask her, trying to get a better look at her to see if she's familiar, or if she just wandered in here.

"I'm trying to look for a quiet place to study," she says, "but there are way too many people in all of the libraries."

I think for a moment, then smile, "I know, it can be quite trying, to search for a place to study and find no area quiet enough to even think, I often face the same problem myself. In fact, I happen to know of an abandoned music room. Hardly anyone ever goes in there, and it still has some tables and chairs, making it the perfect place to study. I can take you there as soon as I get my friend, if you would like," I tell the girl.

"That would be great, thank you!" She says.

She looks so grateful, I almost feel bad for tricking her, but I have a feeling that she will thank me later.

"Oh!" I say, remembering something, "How rude of me! I didn't even introduce myself before prattling on. I apologize. My name is Yukiko Kimura, and yours?"

"My name is Haruhi Fujioka. It is a pleasure to meet someone in this school who is kind."

"Oh, no, the pleasure is all mine!" I say, smiling at this girl, Haruhi.

Suddenly I see Misaki come out of the library and I wave to her, Haruhi turns around to see who I am waving to and Misaki takes a step back.

"Woah, am I just crazy or are you standing beside your slightly nerdier clone, Yuki-chan?" Misaki says, her eyes widening.

"Whatever do you mean?" I ask her.

What does she mean by clone? We don't look that much alike, we may both have glasses, the same body type, the same eye color, hair color, and are the same height, but that doesn't mean we look like each other, does it?

My smile fades from my face, as does Haruhi's smile from hers as we realize that Misaki is absolutely correct in that we look identical. My 'parents' if I can even call them that, did tell me recently that I was adopted, that my birth parents, being poor, couldn't afford to keep me, so they talked to all of the wealthiest people that would hear them out, trying to get them to adopt me.

I guess I should be grateful, both to my birth parents, and my mom and dad. I mean, my birth parents did put in the extra effort to try and make sure that I was raised by a family that could give me everything that I ever wanted. My mom and dad did agree to adopt me, and they have loved me and cared for me ever since, well, in their own way.

Is it possible that they didn't know about Haruhi, or that this is all just some crazy coincidence?

I decide to drop the matter, put a smile back on my face, and turn to Haruhi and Misaki.

"Well, no matter, it just means that we can totally help each other with fashion choices! If something looks good on me, Haruhi can totally borrow it. Heck, I'd even let her borrow one of these uniforms if, one, we looked good in yellow, and two, these uniforms are some of the most ugly uncomfortable things that I have ever laid my eyes on. I refuse to put dear Haruhi here through the torture of these uniforms," I say, boldly.

"So does this mean Haruhi is in our crew now?" Misaki asks, smiling.

I can tell she isn't upset about this. Haruhi is exactly the kind of girl we both like to be friends with, and besides, she could be my twin.

"Of course! I mean, if you would like to be friends with us, Haruhi," I say.

"Sure, you girls seem really kind, and smart. You act like you spend some time hitting the books, unlike most of the girls here," Haruhi says.

I laugh, because she is most definitely right on that.

"How about we head to that music room now?" I ask, remembering that Kyoya told me not to be late.

"Sure let's go!" Haruhi replies.

She heads off in front of Misaki and me. Misaki gives me a questioning look and I wink at her, before skipping off to join Haruhi.

I don't mean to lie to her, and I really do want to be her friend. I hope that Haruhi can forgive me after this. But, hey, customers are customers.

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