His Idiot.

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Haha you guys are probably going to hate me for this. But alas, 'tis all part of the story.




Eren watches in absolute and total horror as the cords of Levi's gear are snatched out of thin air by a giant hand and yanked, hard. The captain has very, very little time to react and kicks his legs forward as if he's trying to backpedal, but it's a fatal mistake. As soon as he's close enough, the jaws of the titan open, at the ready to swallow Levi in however many pieces it takes.

Eren's fingers smash into the triggers on his own gear, sending the hooks into the tree nearest Levi. He flings himself from the branch he's been standing on, but it's too late, too late...

Levi's legs are trapped by giant titan teeth. It doesn't bite down right away; the cords of his gear are still tangled in its large fist. He kicks and thrashes, doing everything he possibly can to get the beast to release his legs, even if it means falling twenty meters to the ground. As a last resort, he lifts his left blade and buries it in the titan's cheek, and this is the second fatal mistake. Proving its deviance, a loud howl releases from its throat at the same time its jaw snaps shut; half a second later, its head whips around and sends Levi's body flying through the air until he disappears in the dark green branches of a giant pine tree.

This all happens in a mere few seconds. In the next, Eren is launching himself at the titan with an infuriated growl. He pirouettes in the air and digs his blades across the nape of its neck so deep its head rolls forward, held up by little more than skin and muscle. It topples to the ground with a loud thud and steam rising up around it, but Eren doesn't bear witness to this. He's already meters away, his back turned to the titan corpse as he's in search of Levi.

"Captain!" he calls, his head frantically whipping back and forth for the man.

And then he sees the growing pool of blood soaking into the grass near the base of a tree. He propels himself toward it, hoping and praying and yet knowing all the while it's fruitless.

He finds Levi slumped against the base of the large pine. He's coated in blood from thin lacerations all over from the pine needles. Some are still stuck in his clothes, caught in his hair that's feathered over his pale, pale face. His gear is mangled, the cords snapped and frayed while his blades are nowhere to be seen. As Eren draws closer, he can see the man's eyelashes fluttering, like he's holding onto consciousness by nothing more than a hangnail, if not life itself...

"Levi!" Eren cries again, landing hard on his feet and rushing over to the bleeding, legless man.

Levi responds to the sound of his voice; his eyes peel themselves open and he manages to find sight of the boy kneeling next to him. Though his features are fuzzy and out of focus, the sight of Eren gives him some sort of hope and comfort.

"O-oh god," Eren chokes. His own vision is blurred by tears as he, as gently as he can, pulls Levi into his lap, securing an arm around his shoulders and cradling him as if he's a fragile thing. "C-come on, Levi," he stammers. "You're gonna be okay...let's get you to safety..."

He begins to stand up, but the sound of Levi's strained voice knocks him right back down.

"Save it, idiot," he mutters. "You know that's a load of shit..."

Eren's muscles tighten. "No...I-I just have to stop the bleeding..." He fumbles with his cloak to unbutton it one-handed; it's the only thing he can think of to use for a compress. Once the button slips through the hole, however, Levi's hand comes up to stop him.

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