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We split up when we're nearer the building, Levi insisting I go in through the front doors without offering any explanation other than telling me he'd meet me up in his room. He doesn't allow me to ask any questions, either, before he's pushing me in the direction of the door and disappearing from sight. I'm a little stunned at first, watching him vanish like that, but I waste no time getting back into the building and rushing up the stairs. It's as if I'm afraid that if I don't make it up there in time, he'll vanish completely.

He doesn't, of course, and when I push the door open he's already there waiting for me, perched in the still open window. His hair looks windblown and his wings are extended just a bit. I quickly shut and lock the door behind me, my eyes never leaving his face as he steps soundlessly into the room.

Levi isn't returning my gaze. He's looking around the room, walking along his untouched work desk and dragging his fingers along its wooden surface, leaving trails through the dust collected there over the years. He's opening the door to the bathroom and peering inside; moving to the dresser and opening the drawers, finding everything to be the exact same as it was before his last expedition. Everything except the bed, that is, which is untidy from my having slept in it recently, although accidentally.

He pulls a pair of sleepwear bottoms from one of the drawers, shakes them out a bit, and moves toward the bed where he shakes off the torn jacket and shirt and steps out of what's left of the other pants he'd already been wearing. While he redresses, I can only stare at his wings. In the growing light of the room, they're an absolute wonder - blacker than the night sky the stars cling to, darker than his hair, and despite being tucked neatly to his back, they're quite large.

"Does everyone get wings when they die?" I find myself whispering.

Levi turns, still half naked. "Don't know," he responds, equally as soft. "I'm the only dead person I've ever met."

I swallow hard and take a step toward him. "So...you are still...d-dead."

He nods, finally meeting my eyes. My breath hitches automatically, my teeth latch onto the inside of my lip. I inch toward him, wanting again to touch him and make sure he's real like all the contact on top of the wall wasn't enough.

As soon as I'm within reach, he's taking my hand and guiding me down onto the bed where we sit, both cross-legged and facing each other. I don't let go of his hand; he doesn't pull away, either.

"How long?" I finally ask to break the silence.

"How long for what?"

"How long can you stay?"

"I told you, Eren. As long as you're holding on, I won't disappear."

An unimaginable amount of hope fills my chest. If there was any possibility of me ever letting go before, it's gone now. Gone with the wind. He's here, and that's all I've wanted for years. If I'm the one with the power to keep him here, that's what I'll do.

A thought occurs to me.

"Do you want to stay?"

His gaze is steady. Even. Though there's a moment of silence, he isn't seeming to think about it. Just taking it all in like I am.

"Yes," he says finally. "You don't know how much I've been wishing I could touch you like this again." He squeezes my hand. "Been wanting to just reach out and..." His hand lifts, his knuckles brush over my flushed cheek. I swallow again.

"You said you've been here," I begin. He nods. "You've been around here...watching me?" Another nod. "So you've...you've seen everything." Yet another nod. "You saw me when I was drawing."

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