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"Good night everybody!" Calum yells into the mic before he and the rest of his band run backstage still on an adrenaline high from the concert.

"Do you guys want to go get some pizza?" Michael asks with a big grin on his face and his arm slung around Luke's shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"Pizza sounds great Mikey!" Ashton grins at Michael as Luke nodded his head in agreement which causes the three boys to look towards Calum.

"No, I think I'm just going to go out for a bit, clear my head..." he says, his smile fading slightly, "you know I haven't really been the same since everything happened," he sighs, "I just feel like shit... I should've been better to her."

The three boys nod in understanding and head out to catch a cab. Calum walks out into the night thinking about all the girls he has convinced to sleep with him while he'd been in a long-term relationship. No matter how much sex he got, he never felt satisfied, he went out almost every night, and used her trusting nature against her, and now he can't even apologize. she's dead, and he cant do anything about that.

"I'm sorry!" he screams into the cold night air.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he screams over and over again, "I'm sorry" he says again his voice cracking in the middle of word. He felt tears start to roll down his face, hot, fat tears that make you feel like you'll never be able to stop crying, he tried to swallow down the lump in his throat several times but it wouldn't go away, he settled for sitting in an alley way waiting to stop crying, or waiting to stop feeling terrible, he didn't know which he was really hoping for, but he knew neither would come anytime soon so he curled himself into a ball and sat there feeling numb.

"Look what we have here boys" a deep voice sneered kicking Calum's unmoving body.

Calum groaned as he covered his head with his arms.

"Get up bitch" the man hissed kicking him again.

slowly Calum stood up keeping his head down trying not to anger the man.

"hold him back while I grab my knife" he spits at the man next to him, instantly Calum felt someone pinning his arms behind his back holding him in place while the man in front of him fumbled in his pocket. "Look at me boy" he hisses at Calum. 

Calum looks at the man and see's a mouthful of yellow teeth, a jagged scar that runs from his eye to the corner of his crooked mouth and beady black eyes staring into his own.

"Okay boys, hold him back, this should be quick, an' easy" he winked to the man behind Calum while he slowly dragged his knife down Calum's stiff ab muscles as Calum attempted to flinch away but couldn't due to the man behind him.

he watched as the ugly, rugged man in front of him began to smirk and started to twirl the knife in his hand, Calum felt the original sting from the man dragging the knife across his torso, and could feel the hot string of blood following.

"Look me in the eye boy, I always like when they watch me," he whisperes into Calum's ear causing Calum's eyes to whip to the mans.

without warning the mans arm jerked and Calum felt a shooting pain right in his abdomen, he screamed out in pain, which made the man behind him put his filthy hand to Calum's mouth. The man continued to thrust the knife in and out of the screaming boy several times.

When he finished he watched Calum's eyes go slack. When the man released him Calum had no energy to do anything other than slump forward and fall to the ground bleeding.

He heard the footsteps of the men running down the alley, the knife left discarded next to Calum's head. He sat there for a few minutes, all what felt like hours while he bled out.

Suddenly black patches danced across his vision, becoming bigger and bigger as the seconds ticked, then he couldn't see, and he felt nothing but the cold numbness, then even that was gone. The cold metallic taste of blood that filled his mouth only seconds ago was gone, he couldn't even feel his mouth, he doesn't remember having one, he can still, however hear, he can hear the wind whipping during the early morning hours, he can hear the sound of cars that seem to be fading off, getting further and further away from the Los Angeles alley way, and as he heard himself take his last gasping breath he couldn't help but have her on his mind. 

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