Chapter 1: A Ticket to Another World

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Chapter 1: A Ticket to Another Word

"This is just what I need right now" a distantly familiar voice huffed.

"Ay, boss, do you know this one?" a soft voice replied after the familiar one.

"unfortunately" The familiar voice rang out.

Calum pried his eyes open, he couldn't be alive, was he in hell? he definitely wouldn't be in heaven after everything he'd done. 

"You're not in hell pretty-boy, there's no such thing" the familiar voice said coldly. Calum looked up and saw a beautiful, tall girl (nearly six feet) with striking green eyes her eyes were filled with hate and ice, a ring sat in her nose and she had high cheek bones; she was muscular/fit, and she wore a fitting black tank top, with black legging type pants that hugged her legs nicely, the shoes of her outfit were a pair of black combat boots.

"where am I then?" Calum found himself asking, as he couldn't help the sarcasm that had been dripping from his voice. In his head all he was doing was trying to figure out who the girl was, she had a presence that made him believe she was powerful, and the way everyone else around her listened to every word she said. The set of her jaw, and the ice in her eyes caused her to radiate power; Calum felt himself shrink back instantly after looking her in the eyes.

Her eyes locked on his, an expression of anger contorted her face as she glared at him. 'Who is she?' floated through his head several times as he looked around the area, he was still in the alley way and he noticed the others around him were glowing slightly, he looked down and that was when he saw his body, his lifeless body coated in dried blood laying on it's stomach, his eyes left open in a haunting way, his mouth wide open as well. he almost screamed but he couldn't, no sound came out of his mouth.

The familiar girl rolled her eyes as she strolled over and picked Calum up as if he were a feather and set him on his feet.

"of course you're light you goof, you aren't alive, you don't carry any body weight with you" the boy beside her said in a laughing tone. The girl only rolled her eyes again as Calum watched her trying to figure out who she was.

"We need to get to business, Alex!" she said in a cold, flat tone, "do you want to join G.O.D and fight with us? or do you want your soul to be scraped down and re-born into a brand new life?" she said in the same flat tone.

"join god... isn't he, like a... being, or a person..?"  Calum asked utterly Confused, he had never been religious, but he believed in God and heaven and hell, and he knew one thing for sure, he was confused as hell as to what was going on.

"not god the religious figure, G.O.D (they started calling themselves that ironically) it stands for Guarded Order of Defense, we're called GOD, now would you like to join us (and protect the human race from impending attacks from creatures you've never even dreamed of), or would you like your soul scraped and re-born?" she said again in a bored voice.

"ay, let the boy know some of the perks to this gig" the friendlier man beside her stated elbowing her slightly causing a ghost of a smile to almost appear on her face.

"So, my boy, if you pick this job, you get to re-invent yourself, your physical appearance, your height your age; if you died at an age you're not happy with you can change it, even your... package if you get what I'm saying" he winked, "anything you want, you can change, but your face will always be somewhat recognisable to others" he explained further, "ol' Cassie here dropped about a hundred pounds she did" he replied with a chuckle as the girl -Cassie- hit him upside the head with a scowl.

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