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Butters looked franticly around the empty cabinets of Kenny's house looking for a snack to end his hunger.

Butters and Kenny had been assigned partners for a project that was due in a week. So Kenny had decided to work on it at his house, but forgot to mention the fact that there was no food for the starving blond.

Butters stomach growled more and more by the second as he kept searching for anything possibly crumbs to at least calm his hunger.

Butters then laid his eyes on a very cabinet that said "Kenny's cabinet: Do NOT open."

Butters stomach growled once more louder this time too.
"I'm sure Kenny wouldn't mind if I just grab one snack.." Butters said as he slowly opened the cabinet then gasp as he saw chips,cookies,sodas, and everything that would certainly rot your teeth in cavities.

Butters eyes laid on a bag of Oreos and on cue his stomach growled saying that he should eat the Oreos.

Butters looked around seeing if Kenny had come down from upstairs and seeing he didn't, the blond quickly snatch the Oreos and stuffing them in his mouth as he drooled over the chocolate goodness.

Butters was too busy stuffing his mouth with Oreos that he didn't hear another certain blond snicker behind him.

Butters froze as he felt two strong hands on his waist.
Butters yelped as the person of the two hands belonged too spun him around so that he was facing towards him.

Kenny smirked at Butters amused that Butters actually ignored the rules for the first time in his life and got himself some Oreos in the process.

"We'll look what we have here, Butters care to explain why your eating my Oreos?" Kenny smirked once again as he took the Oreo out of Butters hand and took a bite out of it.

"Well..uh..you see I-I was h-hungry a-and I couldn't help myself and—Eek!" Butters was then pinned against the wall and now a perverted blond was hovering over him.

Kenny lowered his head to Butter's ear smirking as he felt the blond underneath him tense.
"Hm is that so?" Kenny whispered into Butters ears sending chills down Butters spine.
Butters just nodded not able to speak.
Kenny moved his head so that he was now staring at Butters with hunger in his eyes.

"Well, that's not just gonna cut it butters" Kenny inched closer to Butters their lips barely touching.

"I want my Oreos back" Kenny whispered before crashing his lips to Butters lips. Butters quickly gave into the kiss and Kenny smirking as he pushed his tongue into Butters mouth receiving a moan from the little blond.
Kenny tasted the sweet taste of Oreos in Butters mouth as their tongues still fought with each other.
Kenny pulled away smirking at the innocent blond while licking his lips.
"That was a good snack Butters but I think we should work on our project now don't you think" Kenny said winking at the red faced blond who simply just nodded.

The two went upstairs working on project for only about 5 minutes before Kenny decided to Fuck Butters taking away Butters innocence. (xD)

All because of Oreos!

I just want to say I got the idea when I looked at my Oreo and it came up! XD

More ships on wayyyy!

So stay tuned and leave requests on the comments and please vote!
Thank you! ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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