Chap. 6

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"Hey Brandon." Sarah greeted Brandon.

"Wassup girl." Brandon gave her a hug.

"Did you understand the work Mr. Edge gave out yesterday?"

They was walking to Mr. Edge class now.

"Yeah I did."

"I didn't. Can you help me when we get in class?"

"No doubt."

Jetta watched as Brandon and Sarah walked in the classroom together. Her blood begin to boil.

Neek sneaked behind her.

"Girl that green don't look good on you." Neek laughed.

Jetta evil eye Neek.

"What I told y'all what been going to happen, but y'all want to do what y'all want to do so here it goes. The Games Has Begin People." Neek yelled out the class.

Mr. Edge cut his eyes at Neek. Neek rolled her eyes.

Jetta looked over at Brandon and Sarah again. Brandon was laughing at whatever Sarah had said.

She wanted to go slap that smile off his face.

Malik walked the classroom. Then Jessie.

Jessie looked over at Jetta and smiled.

"Awww there goes beauty." He said.

"Who the fuck is you?" Neek and Malik asked Jessie at the same time.

"Oh wassup I'm Jessie." He went to sit by Jetta.

"Boy this gets better and better huh?" Neek said looked at Brandon and busted out laughing.

"Yo Brandon you okay over there?" Neek yelled out.

Brandon just glared at her. His vanilla skin is a bright red. He never been so mad in his life. Who the hell this Jessie think he is? Calling his girl beauty? Wait! His girl?

"Shanikqua another outburst like that and you out my classroom." Mr Edge said.

"Ya da ya da." Neek said .

"Girl hush." Malik said.

Neek just rolled her eyes at him.

Lunch Time

"Y'all ready to go? I'm thinking Burger King today?" Malik said. Looking from Jetta and to Brandon.

"Umm actually I'm going to lunch with Jessie." Jetta said

"What?" Neek and Malik said.

Brandon just clench his jaws.

"Yeah. He asked me out." Jetta smiled.

"J you know we all get together and eat together." Neek pouted.

"Things changing Neek." Jetta said and walked off.

Neek turn to Brandon.

"See what you did? Instead of making her yours, you done put her in another nigga arms." Neek said with a glared.

Sarah walked up and smiled at them. Malik and Neek just stare at her.

"You ready?" Sarah asked him.

Brandon nodded.

"What about us?" Malik asked Brandon.

Brandon just shrugged and walked away with Sarah.

"Ain't this about a bitch? So they just going to leave me with you?" Malik said folded his arms.

"Shut the hell up and come on." Neek grab his hand and they walked out the class.

Jessie and Jetta sitting in his car eating their lunch.

"You know I like you right?"

Jetta just nodded her head.

"Yes and I like you too." Jetta smiled.

"So can I get your number?"

"Hand me your phone."

Jetta took his phone and put her number in it.

"Thanks beautiful."

Jetta blushed.

"Why you always do that?" Jessie asked her.

"Do what?"

"Blushed when I call you beautiful."

"Habit. Many people don't call me that. You know?" Jetta shrugged.

"Look at me." Jetta looked at him. "You are beautiful whether if anyone tell you that you are or not."

"Thanks you so sweet." Jetta smiled.

"Don't thank me, it's true." Jessie smiled and lean in to give her a kiss.

Neek knocked in the window.

"Bell about to ring." She yelled to Jetta.

Jetta quickly got out the car and walked with Neek. Leaving Jessie behind. She can't believe he almost kissed her.

"Let me find out you kissing that boy already." Neek said as they walked in the school.

"Girl hush. It wasn't like that. I'm glad him or that Sarah girl not in this class with us. Just Sabrina and Keith. Ugh." Jetta said.

"I know what you mean. But seriously girl, you and Brandon need to stop this nonsense y'all doing and get with each other." Neek said.

"It's not that simple. B and I are best friends. What if we get together and don't work out? Our friendship and relationship with be messed up." Jetta said.

"I guess, but with y'all dating other people, y'all friendship with be ruin too. What if they don't want y'all talking or hanging together?" Neek said.

"Girl bye with that one. Brandon will always come first. No matter what." Jetta said.

"We going to see about that."

They entered the class. Brandon and Malik was already there. Brandon saw Jetta and his eyes light up and his smiled grow big.

Jetta smiled back. He winked at her, Jetta blushed.

Brandon got up out his seat and walked over to her and gave her a big kiss on her lips. Jetta and Brandon both felt the spark.

Neek and Malik grinned.

"I love you girl, remember that.

"I love you too."

Sabrina and Keith looked at them with anger in their eyes.

If they can't have them no will.

And that's a promise.


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