Chap. 17

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"Man Jetta don't nobody want to go to this party." Neek suck her teeth.

"Me either, but I'm not letting Brandon ass go alone."

"True you have a point there. Malik ass playing games with me. He acting like he don't want to start a relationship with me." Neek shrugged her shoulders.

"Malik don't seem like the committed type." Jetta looked in her closet for something to wear.

"Well he better do something. I'm tired being just a fuck buddy." Neek sighed.

"Awwww, poor you." Jetta laughed.

"That's not funny. If he just want to fuck, he can get any girl for that. I can go on about my business. Don't give me wrong, the dick good and all, but umm I'll give it up." Neek said.

Jetta just shook her head.

"Malik will have a heart attack if you try to leave him."

"Oh well, he not ready for a relationship and I am. Pssh." Neek rolled her eyes.

"All I'm saying is, y'all do what y'all want to do." Jetta sat on her bed after finding her outfit.

"I'm saying that too."

Jetta just shook her head. What she going to do with them two?

"Well let's get ready to go to that party, so we can be on our way to the beach." Jetta said.

"Well Malik about to really see me dance and it won't be on him." Neek smiled.

"Girl you about to start something."

"Do you think I care?"

"No, but you know how Leek temper is?" Jetta asked her back.

"Man whatever. I don't care. You need to get ready." Neek said to Jetta.

Neek and Jetta arrive at the party before Brandon and Malik. Neek went straight to punch bowl. Jetta just shook her head at her friend.

Neek was in the corner talking to a dude when Malik and Brandon walked in.

Jetta was just sitting down looking bored as hell.

"Why you look so bored?" Brandon asked Jetta.

She looked up at him.

"Because I am bored." She stood up and gave him a hug and a kiss.

"I know her ass is not." Malik mumbled. He was looking over at Neek talking to another dude.

"Remember y'all not in a relationship." Brandon said.

"Fuck that, she fucking me any?" Malik said angrily.

Jetta and Brandon just stared at him.

"So she just gone embarrass me like that?" Malik marched over to where Neek was talking to the dude.

"Oh hey Malik." Neek smiled.

"Don't "oh hey Malik" me. What the fuck you doing with this guy?" Malik asked her angrily.

The guy Malik was talking about was an old friend of Neek.

"Uhh talking as you can see." Neek said with an attitude.

"Don't get fuck up in front of your lil friend." Malik looked Neek up and down.

The guy just smirked and shook his head.

"Ugh fine. I'll text you later." Neek said to the guy.

"No the hell she won't." Malik said and grab Neek arm.

"Don't be grabbing on me like that." Neek jerk away from him.

People was beginning to stare at them.

"Don't make me snatch your little ass up. Let's go." Malik said and grab Neek arm again and walked outside.

Leaving Brandon and Jetta at the party.

"Why you be playing with me man?" Malik asked Neek as he drove away.

"How I be playing with you? I'm single therefore I can do what I want." Neek folded her arm.

"The hell you can."

"Look Malik, I'm tired just fucking you okay. If you don't want to be in a relationship with me, I know plenty other guys that do."

"Oh like Vick right?"

Neek looked at him confused.

"What the hell Vick got to do with this?" Neek asked him.

"Nothing man. Do what you want. Just know we not fucking no more."

"Understand." Neek said with a smile.

Malik just shook his head at her. He wasn't counting on her to just say that. Now how the hell he suppose to go through the weekend with her at the beach?

He drop her off at her place and went home.


"Did they just left us here?" Jetta asked Brandon walking outside not seeing Malik car.

"Hell yeah. You think they made up?" Brandon asked Jetta as she got in the driver side of her brother car.

"Hell nah, with Malik temper and Neek mouth, hell no." Jetta laugh.

"True. This weekend gone be hell. Aye stop by my house so I can get my car. You staying with me tonight right?" Brandon asked Jetta.

"Uh duh."

"You and your damn mouth."

"Awww." Jetta laugh.

"Nothing funny man." Brandon shook his head.

"Yes it is, I can get under your skin so easily." Jetta laughed more.

"I'm going to beat your ass keep on."

"That's why I'm going to keep on. I'm horny."

"Alright I got you when we get to my house."

"Okay daddy."

"Alright keep that up, we gone pull this car over." Brandon laugh.


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