1P/2P England x reader-ch. 2: the doppelgangers

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After 7 hours of chatting with Alfred chatting. The both of you became friends and you have learned quite alot about him. You felt alot more comfortable with the idea of getting a ride. The plane has landed and everybody was getting off. After you got off the both of you had to go through airport security and such. At the moment you were both in the car driving through England minutes away from your new home.

Alfred's POV~at the houses

You watched as (y/n) walked out of the car you moved the car closer to Arthur's house. One day he texted you that he needs help and to come here immediately. You tried texting back but he didn't reply. You opened the car door and walked up to the house. You knocked on the door and from inside you heard a man with a jersey-america accent "hey cupcake answer the door"

" we aren't allowed to~remember what artie said~"light British accent replied to the other.

"Bullshit! Fuck whatever that guy says"

" Al! Stop swearing!"

"Make me cupcake!"

"Hey stop it you too" said Arthur. You knocked once more. Arther opened the door.

"Hey will you tell me what's going on now?" You asked him.

" well... it's hard to explain sooo I wanted you to show you"he opened the door to see someone who looked like you, Someone who looked like Arthur, And someone that looked like Matthew. You where super confused as the other you stared at you. He had brownish red hair and crimson red eyes with red tinted shades covering and he had snake bites.you looked back to Arthur and asked" what?I mean how did you do this?"

" well I was looking through my magical items I found this mirror. was started looking into and all of the sudden my reflection changed to him" he pointed to the on that looked like him. He had strawberry blonde hair with blue and pink swirled eyes.he was wearing a light pink dress shirt with a pink vest over it and a blue bow tie and tan khakis." then he the other two also came out"

"wow" you said in amazement but also shock.

"i think there supposed to be doppelgangers" arthur whispered to you.

"So he is me? almost like a twin"

"No you twit!" he went back to a whisper"doppelgangers are a copy of yourself that act the completely opposite, but is literally trying to get rid of you and replace you with themselves"

"oh" you said at a loss of words.

"that one is me" he pointed in the man in pink."that one is you" he pointed at the one with the snake bites" and.... i am not sure how he is" he pointed a the another with the blonde messy hair brought back in to a pony tail with a curl that resembled your brother's and he was also wearing shades. he was wearing an outfit that resembles a lumberjack.

"um i think thats matthew " arthur looked at you confused."you know my brother"

"oh right" he answered after a couple minutes of thinking"we need to call them something else than. Matthew, Alfred and Arthur it will be confusing as all hell" the doppelgangers began staring at the both of you as you started to try to pick out names.

a couple minutes passed of thinking " i know a name that i always wanted to be called, allen" alfreds doppelganger smiled a cocky smile

"yea i can go with that"allen said.

"and i can still keep saying his nickname~"the one in pink said" oh can i be called oliver~ ive always fancied the name~"

"okay" arthur said." okay last but not leas--"

"matt" matt said with a glare like he is going to kill the both of you.

"heh ok matt it is!" You said" is there away to get rid of them?"

" Nope~" said Oliver " there was the mirror but Matt broke it~ and there is no other way it will be useless to look through your spells artie~"

"I bet your lying to me" Arthur replied." And my name isn't artie!"

" Oh I never lie~"

"He doesn't. Trust me. He's a major stick-in-the-mud"Allen said.

"Ok" Arthur replied.

" so what are we going to do?"you said

" I don't know?!"

" It's going to be impossible to hind them. It's too dangerous to just let them free and not just for us. I don't know what to do either."

"Maybe we could monitor them?"


" mean like you keep an eye on Allen and I keep an eye on Oliver and the same with Matthew"

"But what should our excuse be?"

" I was thinking cousin that will be staying with us for a while."

You sighed " ok"

"Anyway what's new?"

"Oh yeah, on the flight I met this one girl an--"

" your not trying to set up a date again"

" No.... sorta but just hear me out. She is actually moving in next to you."

"Really" Oliver and Arthur said and then glared at each other.

" Oh you guys haven't met her yet. You guys should hang out later"

" that sounds lovely~"Oliver said

" hold on no one I never approved"Arthur said

" dude you have to watch him"you stopped them.

" fine" Arthur said with a growl. As Oliver and Arthur glared at each other.

°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·~ to be continued ~~~°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°·°

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