Soul x Reader x Kid

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You're shocked by your parents decision. How can they do this to you? They know it's your dream to go to Harvard, yet they tell you to go here instead?

"We think it's for the best," your mother says, sitting across from you at your kitchen table. You look out the window behind them and it's a beautiful day. You instantly regret declining your friend's request to go hang out.

You angrily place your hands on the table and quickly stand up, sending your chair flying. "But I don't want to go to the Death Weapon Miester Academy! I want to go to Harvard!"

But they shake their heads at you. "You'll thank us later. Now start packing. Semester starts next week. You're going to stay with whoever you partner up with, and until that happens you're going to stay with our family friend's son." Your father says, shooing you from the room.

You're filled with rage. As an only child, you're not used to not being able to have freedom and be able to do whatever you want. You can't help but think to yourself Why do they have to control my life when it matters? Anything else! Moving away from my friends, whatever. Just not this!

It takes you all week to pack, and because of the summer holidays you have that opportunity. When your done, the room looks empty and barren. You don't bother call your friends good-bye because around them you're uncomfortable and your secretly okay with leaving them behind.

You stand in your kitchen the day you're supposed to leave. Your father and mother have finished packing the car. It's time to leave, but you don't want to. You run your hands over your kitchen table, where not to long ago your parents told you about how you were transitioning from your school.

You can feel someone walk in. It's your mother. "Come on sweetie. Your flight leaves in a few hours."

But you can't help the shock as you turn. "FLIGHT?!"

Your mother shakes her head. "Yes, I'm sorry it's so far. But you'll have fun right? And be safe?"

But you simply push past her and get in the car. You're ready to get out of here, and you're ready now.

As you exit the cab, you can't help but notice how strange the city you're in looks. It's probably all that candy you ate on the plane, you tell yourself. It'll look fine in the morning.

You've got your suitcase in hand and your staring at your map. You've only got a bit more money, after your 6 hour flight and 3 hour cab ride. It's 9:00 and you're ready to find the apartment you're gonna stay in. Your luggage is being mailed, so you've only got to carry a bit of stuff. With your head held high, you prepare yourself for a long walk through the strange city called Death City.

It's been an hour. You're drenched to the bone and tired. If it wasn't for the fact that you had a hard-shell suitcase that repelled rain water you'd give up. But that meant that inside there was dry clothes inside you could change into once you found your address.

You know it may not be the smartest idea, but from where you're standing you can see a long alleyway. At the far end there is a street sign with Death Lane written on it. You've found your street.

You don't want to risk losing it. You begin to cross the alleyway. But you realize as your walking it's the perfect place for an ambush because of the ways it branches of in many directions. And you're not the only one.

A strange man with a spring for a nose and a scar running down his face is attacking a girl not much older than you. She's on the ground, arms shielding her face as he lashes at her with his talons. As he takes another swipe at her, she collapses. She's lying on the ground, waiting for the final blow. You step towards them, ready to interfere. But a hand covers your mouth and your waist.

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