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(If a chapter doesn't start with one of the names it is in 3rd person)

It was when all the populars were hanging out, and an idea became a plan.

Planned and perfected by, Luke Hemmings
and his minions Calum and Michael.

They would take the outcasts of the school, and make them popular. It seemed so simple and easy, but it was everything but that.

The outcasts would be spectical, who wouldn't be. They had to devise a plan, that no matter where the conversation went, they ended up on Luke's side.

Karlie: she was stubborn, but she was also in love with Luke, it wouldn't be hard

Ashton: Ashton would be easy, Michael has been buttering him up since 8th grade, they would just have to get him to talk.

Parker: he was the hardest. He despised anything to do with them.

The plan: Kate would talk to Parker, she was the best bet being the nicest.
Maddie would talk to Karlie, tell her how great Luke was.
Michael and Calum would go for Ashton, strike up a conversation about math that would get him talking.


As I was sitting on the bench waiting for the third period bell to ring, Kate walked up to me. Out of all people, Kate?

"So hey, Karlie." She starts

I don't answer.

"We were wondering if you wanted to, you know, hang out." She says

I still don't answer.

"I'll take that as a yes, see you at lunch?" She said, and walked away before I could protest.


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