My Ohana

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I hate my family, I hate people in general not all of them are bad but most of them are. I never met my father he was just a douche bag bartender, my mom is ok we don't really socialize anymore since she is always on her new phone. Now I see her as an, not an attention whore. But someone that wants attention badly from taken men..
My step-Dad I fucking hate is guts. He yells at me for everything calls me an idiot, Retard, dumb ass, and ect.. I finally got honors I thought that was going to change things but all I got was a pat on the back from him. Nothing changed so I gave up on education I mean I still do the work but I don't try hard like I used to. He makes me boiling mad but I learned deal with all the bull shit. From all that I learned how to hide my emotions.
My half brother is seven that little punk makes me mad to the core since he never fucking listens but then he also makes me smile at times because he's a funny, innocent kid.
But overall I hate living with all of them I can't fucking stand them.
My step cousins are probably the closest human beings to me I'd fucking risk my life to save theirs because I love my cousins to death even the ones I'm related to. They are always there for me and that's why I love them.

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