My school

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I'm anti social i want friends believe me but it's hard getting friends after losing three close friends you thought of as brothers. It's been two years I made a few "ok" aquantences I did make a few friends I don't even hang out with. At school if I can't socialize I usually just stand up and walk to a class room to make up work. I get pushed a couple times by some fucking idiot then I just say some bull shit story on how I got "expelled" from one of my schools.

I can't stand a couple of my friends that flake and flake. I mean i spend most of my days off alone when I'm not with my cousins. I'm a loner an outcast just like in my school. And living the solitary life isn't fun it's just lonely and it makes me feel alone... That it's just me, then everyone else.

There are kids that try to be loners they always talk and say they don't have friends, you know to their friends. Fucking retards. My freshman year everyone gave me attention because i was new to the town and not to be conceited but also attractive. Girls flirted with me but I never flirted back because I was afraid something would change and it did because being anti social quickly changes the way a person lives.

I have this friend I'll call him kyle. I had a huge crush on this girl I finally grew a pair to hit on her but kyle comes out of nowhere and takes her. I was pissed so pissed I started hanging out with him so I can fucking learn everything about him. But he was a nice guy ended up being a close friend maybe like a brother. So i just stopped with the whole getting him back thing and just be a good friend. But my sophomore year I just ended up being more anti social than usual. I mean most of my problems are at school so I'm not going to include everything.

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