Chapter 1 - Alexei

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  • Dedicated to Rebekah Reyes



Sorry for the long wait. I didn't like the first few versions of this. It took a while to begin this perfectly. I hope you all like it


 I saw them all lined up before me. All my dreams and wishes set up on high shelves so I couldn’t reach them. It was a cruel joke that my mind would play on me every once in a while. In a desperate attempt to stop this cruel game I hindered my dreams and wishes until it came to a halt. I won that battle, but of course, every war won has casualties.

My first name is Alexeipronounced ahlyekSYEY and my last name is Pyotr. I go to Tarenti Acedemy school of stupid rich kids and all there descendents. As you can already tell I hate it there. If you want to survive at this “pristine” school you need money, if you don’t have that you at least have to be in the slightest bit alluring. I of course have neither of these luxuries and I don’t care much for them anyways. I used to dream of those things every night when I laid my head on my sweat stained pillow that I had been too lazy too wash, but they just ended up on the shelf with everything else. Slowly decaying themselves.  

I live in a pretty big house for normal standards. Five bedrooms, three and half baths, a living room, a den, a fairly large kitchen, and a basement. Yet I still have one of the smallest houses compared to everyone at school. Not that anyone really cares at all. I have mastered the art of invisibility so I go unnoticed by my fellow classmates. I am neither a dork nor am I popular. I am what you would call a ‘nobody”, you know, if you notice me, which you won’t.

In case you were wondering I am currently in fourth period calculus. We’re reviewing taking notes for our midterm next week. Correction I’m taking notes. Everyone else is either passing notes, or sleeping. Mr. Wagner doesn’t seem to mind though. Most teachers don’t because even with the lack of focus the students give the teachers the grades are pretty decent so the teachers let it pass. What they don’t know is a copy of the test is usually sold to all the students a few days before the test. No one actually knows who the seller is but he’s petty notorious around here for his products.



            The bell finally rang and all nappers sprung to life and raced out of the classroom as if they were on fire. I gathered all my books and pencil’s at a normal pace and walked out of the classroom. I was the last one.

            By the time I got to my locker, which wasn’t far from the classroom, the halls were almost cleared. I put my stuff away and made my way down to the library. I never went to the lunchroom or at least I try to avoid it at all costs. Going in there would be exactly like announcing the fact that I have absolutely no friends making myself a target. Most people make the mistake of going in hoping to make friends, or see someone they know. Those are the same people who you can occasionally see stuffed head first into trash cans, or with their head in a toilet, or the ever popular beaten to a pulp and stuck inside of an empty locker.

            No one goes in the library at lunch and even if they do, it just looks like I’m cramming for a test next period. That’s one of the basics of staying invisible. Just look and act normal and no one even looks at you.

            So I pretend to study in the library for the duration of lunch. After this it’s a repeat of calculus for the rest of my classes then I take the bus home. And there it is. That’s my amazing eventful life.



My house is the first stop so I get home at about 2:40 everyday. I sit at the front of the bus because the back is always packed with stoners leaving the front almost empty.

I almost forgot. I’ve got two older brothers; Timur pronounced teeMOOR and Trofim pronounced troFEEM. My parents were obsessed with incoherent Russian names, yet we don’t have a drop of Russian in us.

Anyways Timur is a senior and he’s 17 going on 18, Trofim is a junior and he’s 16 going on 17, and I’m a senior and I’m 14 going on 15. When you don’t have friends you get in a lot of study time.

Timur has a license so he drives Trofim home. Why doesn’t he drive me home you ask? It’s not like there one of those brother that abandon you because you’re not “cool” enough and you might embarrass him. He doesn’t drive me home because I know him being with me would ruin his social status. He and Trofim got our mom’s genes and well I don’t know what happened with me. I look like neither parents and I used to think I was adopted, but my parents insisted that I wasn’t. So I gave in and gave up.

There’s someone waiting on the doorstep to one of the houses on my block. He looks about 18 he’s pretty built with what looks like watery blue eyes. His hair looks dark brown and, and don’t get the wrong idea when I say this…I promise you I’m straight. He’s handsome. He reminds me of those male models you see in cologne commercials.

Now usually I wouldn’t care about random boys waiting on door steps but this time is different. This time the random guy is on MY doorstep and I now am going to be forced to acknowledge him if I want to get into my house.

Now I for one am not an idiot. There is no way I was going to walk up and be all “hi, I live here. May I help you random stranger who could probably rip me to pieces with your bare hands.” No, that was not going to happen. I stood at the beginning of the walkway which gave us a good ten feet distance from each other.

“Um hi?” I said it as loud as I could without yelling. “are you waiting for someone?”

He looked up at me and his eyes told me he was very excited to see me. This should be fun.

“Hey! Um my name is uh Josh,” suspicious and nervous. I’m not scared at all.

“Hi,” I replied simply.

“Uh, yea so I’m looking for Alexei.”

My heart nearly stopped and I almost fell on the floor. Since when did suspicious people start know who I was? Even at school teachers gave up on my name and started calling me Alex. He pronounced it correctly also. I guess my invisibility plan hadn’t worked after all and this guy wanted to beat me to a pulp. But why come to my house to do it?

“I think you’ve got the wrong address. No one by that name lives here,” I lied. Look I was nervous and for all I know this guy is an escaped convict.

The escaped convict stared back at me in disbelief. He looked hurt and betrayed. He started to walk towards me but stopped when he noticed I was backing away. “Do you know him? Does he live somewhere around here? I really need to speak to him its important.”

Now I was just plain curious but I wasn’t gonna let my guard down. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t.”

Now the escaped convict looked as though he were on the verge of tears and I wanted so badly for him to punch me in the stomach and run.

“Sorry, I have to go inside now.” I couldn’t look him in the eye when I said this.

I quickly rushed pass him and into the house without looking back. I went to the window in the kitchen and peered out to see if he was still out there.

Though he’s still outside he’s walking away. A wave of relief washed over me. Well, that is until I saw his wrist. He was wearing a gold bracelet, but not just any gold bracelet. It’s the gold bracelet I gave my mom as a birthday present while she was in the hospital and it’s the same gold bracelet she died wearing two weeks later.

That convict has my mother’s bracelet!


I hope you enjoyed it. :)

the picture to your right is Alexei


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