Slightly Rainy with a Chance of Despair

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A high-pitched shrilling noise emitted from my clock at 5:30. It didn’t matter though. I hadn’t been able to sleep anyways and it was all thanks to that guy. He ruined my whole weekend and now it’s Monday morning. Great.

No one in my family seemed to notice I was bothered at all. I was and still am thankful for their ignorance though. Yet I can’t say that I’m surprised, no one ever really noticed, not even when I needed them to. It’s not their fault though, it’s my own. It was the only wish of mine that ever came true. At least it’s more good than bad, I think.

Back to my eerie morning, I put on blue loosely fitted jeans, a white shirt with black designs all over it, and black vans. I also attempted to brush my wild and unruly hair, but of course I lost the battle before the fight even started. I made my way downstairs and ate a handful of dry cereal. This is my normal routine; it’s what I do everyday, so when something interferes with this routine I really notice it. Call me crazy but I like routine and I don’t like it being messed with, so when I heard the loud frantic knocking at the font door, I was pissed. Who comes to someone’s house at 5:45? No, better question. Who comes to MY house at 5:45?

Like I said, I like routine and don’t like it being messed with. So I let the mystery person wait for one of my brothers to come down, and soon enough I heard a loud pounding on the staircase followed by a, “COMING!” Timur glanced at me on his way to the door.

“Why didn’t you answer it?” he inquired still walking toward the door.

I didn’t leave the kitchen because I was curious to know who was at the door. I heard an exchange of voices, then a pause. For some reason I felt nervous. Something about the silence made my stomach tie itself up so tight I could already taste bile in my throat.

The putrid silence was killing me. I forgot all about my routine and made my way to the door way to see what was going on.

That’s odd. Something you need to know about Timur, he is not too big on hugs. So seeing him hugging the mystery person, understand that I was very confused. I nonchalantly cleared my throat and Timur turned around to look at me.

Tears? Do I see tears on his face? They can’t be tears. He’s smiling I can definitely see a smile on his face. Then why the tears. He never cried when he broke his arm or when mom died. So why now, who was this person?

The instigator of my brother’s tears seemed to be curious at who I was also, this became evident when he peeked past him to look at me.

I find myself asking a lot of questions all the time. Why am I alive? Why am I here? Why was I born human? Why did my mom have to die? Why my dad was my dad. Why was I so different? Here’s a new one to add to the list. Why is the escaped convict at my door again? He looked at me wide-eyed as I did to him.

“Is that him?” he asked directing his attention back to my brother. All my brother could do was nod and smile.

Timur reached out his hand and pulled me towards the convict.

“Alexei, this is Josh, Josh this is Alexei. I’m gonna go get Trofim. Be right back.”

I wanted to beg him not to leave me but he was already making his way upstairs, leaving me to stare blankly at the convi-, Josh.

            I didn’t know what to expect. Was he mad I’d lied to him? Would he hit me? Would he make my life miserable? My heart was skipping beats. I think I…

“I’m sorry,” Josh said looking at me sympathetically. As if I needed his sympathy. I was already starting to hate this guy. What was he even sorry for?

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