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This is a "short" story (if 10 chapters counts as short) that I'm making for this zombie contest. Apologies if the stories not really original and a little cliché and cheesy. But thanks anyways for taking your time to read this(:


Joshua Ferall, age 14, died two years ago. He was just a quiet classmate who minded his own business. But roamed the halls as if it were some free for all (which by the way, it wasn't.) He had quite a mind of his own.

Why am I telling you this? Okay so he wasn't exactly my friend or anything, and other then the short greetings which consisted of, "did u do your homework?" Or "you failed this test, didn't you?" We didn't really talk. In fact I hardly even knew him! But what got me interested in him was after he died. I was already the curious type, for example "why was the earth round? Why not square? Or even triangular?" Or "if we were made by God, then who was God made of?" (Which by the way got me in trouble when I asked that in church.) I don't know why, but my curiosity always takes over me, not everybody seems to like it though, which makes me curious, why?

So you see, Joshua's death made me want to go "Sherlock Holmes" mode and I wanted to see why he would die at such a young age. So where did I go? Well you guessed it! Google it was, and the frequent newspaper that popped by our house everyday. Except what puzzled me was that all it said is that Joshua died from a heart attack. Did I believe that? Well, no! For one thing, all the press really wanted was a short story to compel the people. Now if it were Justin Beiber or someone, there would be news headlines all over the place with stories on how he actually died.

I didn't believe one bit that Joshua died because of an heart attack. For one thing, they didn't even have any evidence of the body, and it's still missing. Now on the other hand, if it were Justin, then the whole world would be searching for him. And what's the difference between Joshua and Justin? They are both people, so when Joshua's death was announced, but no one saw the dead body after he was seen laying on the floor unconscious, I became furious, and maybe a little suspicious too.

Well for one thing what got my suspicion really racing was because just a few months later, another boy, named Max Newal, died too. He was just 12, and the media just went with the fact that it was another heart attack. I don't know, but I started thinking that maybe the press was hiding something of the real truth. Either that, or they couldn't explain what actually happened since they didn't know. Luckily for me, I have an aunt who is a journalist. So I asked her about the two murders, she actually knew quite a sum about them. For one thing, she told me that both the deaths happened in the Whistling Willows(which was by the way, restricted to all civilians.)

The boys were not shot or had any sign of medical conditions. Instead they both held deep cuts that had pulled out both the kids hearts out. Weird huh? This story seemed a bit too complicated though. So the closest thing the press could get to this story was a heart attack. Like any one could actually believe that.

Okay so people die all the time, yeah I understand that. Ten years ago my granny died. Five years later, my uncle Ruferd. But these deaths were like some continuous pattern! Turns out these deaths happened to kids around my age long before I was even born.

Three years ago, 15 year old Amanda Blouvard was found near the same old tree, in the same old place, the whistling willows. And thing is, they were on the same day, the same time, and each year a child's death happened a year after another. ALL ON HALLOWEEN.

I found it funny how no one ever questioned this. Sure there were rumours and all that Voldemort sucked their hearts out. Or phantoms that lived in poor little Mrs. Willy's home came to suffocate kids on Halloween night. But rumours are just rumours, and answers is what I'm looking for.

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